America & Israel Amy, Ana, Traci, Shahar, Rob The purpose of this project is to compare and contrast the educational systems in America and Israel.
Schooling America vs. Strangers No More Shahar- “ I was not in touch with refugee students, what you saw in the movie is something quite rare. There is only one school like this in Israel, few cases there is a connection between us and them.” Amy- I never dealt with schools like this but as a future educator, I’ve learned of ways to help them with their struggles by viewing this. Traci- This movie for me was very touching, I never thought Israel would have a school like this. I cannot say I’ve seen one in America yet, but we do have caring teachers. Ana- What came to my mind was number of students who came from a different country to receive an education, much like we have here in the USA. Rob- There are no schools in America, like the one we saw in the movie.
Length of a School Day Israel- depending on one’s area of study, the school day can vary in length. Dance runs from 8:30 am-9:00 pm America- college courses range from 7:30 am-10:45 pm, students get to choose classes and class times. This is how we create our schedules.
Age to begin School Elementary School in American begins at age 5-6 depending on birthday Israel- begins also at age 5-6 In America, if you are enrolled in a college you are a student. Typically you begin at age 18, immediately after completing HS You can start at any age In Israel, students start at age due to Army
American Dream vs. Israeli Dream Israel- To have world peace Also, follows American dream America- to be successful Money House Car Family
Role of Government in Schooling Israel- Ministry of Education is not part of creating their curriculum; University is responsible America- Government provides funding if necessary Choose our core curriculum standards
Class Size Montclair State University Lecture Halls hold 50 students Classroom vary students Israel- Large class sizes
Equity & Fairness in Educational System Israel- Create equal opportunities to succeed Counselors available for help America- We are all given equal opportunities to succeed No racism, or segregation Need to apply one’s self
Extra Curricular Activities in HS/College America- Sports, clubs such as Art, Dance, Theatre, Music Class trips for educational purposes Israel- Past two years HS are given option to extend two elective courses HS students two days of accommodation At least 5 museum trips & tours to different parts of the country
Diversity in Schools Israel- everyone accepts one another America- One nation, united states Bullying issues Discrimination Segregation
Language America- English; speak, taught, write Option to learn another language in schools such as: Spanish, French, Italian, German Required for college, 2 year language Israel- Hebrew, studies are conducted in Hebrew. Exposed to English in Media & Youth
Peace at School America- Yes and No Bullying Stress and Anxiety Israel- No With big work loads, stress is common
Experience with Refugee Students Shahar- “ I’ve never dealt with refugee students and the school and the country in general aren’t anything like the movie except for one.” Group 1- Never 1 on 1 with refugee students See immigration in urban areas Come to USA for better education and way of life
Outreach to Parents from Schools America- Yes Provide teacher conferences Back to school night Child Study Team Israel-Elementary School counselors are usually social workers
Army before College Good or Bad? Shahar- System of the Army has a lot of advantages, lots of things are learned in the Army that we cannot find elsewhere. Group 1- Disagree Agree- Provides structure, self discovery, and good wisdom.
Are you safe in your country? Shahar- Israel is my home, the Army is always there to protect me. Group 1- Yes Elaborate