1 Nov, 2011 Education Programme General Education Competence Development Civil Society in Education.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Nov, 2011 Education Programme General Education Competence Development Civil Society in Education

2 Increased access to quality education Quality improvement and quality assurance of efforts Capacitated national education system To support all Afghan children’s right to education by promoting equal access to quality education through a sustainable education system in the country Interim Objectives Development Objective

3  Model School (MS) The center of quality improvement (54 MSs, 60,000 students, 41% girls, 1,750 teachers, 26% female)  Community Based School (CBS) The most effective tool for access to in remote areas (1,600 classes, 45,000 students, 55% girls, 23% female teachers)  Girls’ Annexes (GA) The only way for girls’ education in conservative communities (73 GA, 15,000 students, 93% girls, 500 teachers, 33% female) I.General Education

4 6.6% boys and 1.8% of Kuchi girls go to school CBS (mobile classes) a successful effort in providing access to education for Kuchi children Support to around 200 Kuchi CBS covering 4,800 students (52% girls) 300 Kuchi CBS with around 6,600 students by 2015 General Education Kuchi CBS

5 IICompetence Development Teacher Training: in-service needs based courses Basic teaching competencies to the graduating students Capacity development of the local education institutions (staff and administrations)

6 Community involvement and ownership in education process Community Education Committees (CEC) Community Development Councils (CDC) School Management Committees (SMCs) Teacher Associations Students’ Scouts III.Civil Society in Education

7 Major Achievements Girls participation increased from 45% in 2006 to 53% in 2011 Increased integration of CBE students to the National Education System Access to education has become more inclusive – SCA as the pioneer actor in Kuchi education

8 Major Achievements High performance level of Model Schools –Awards to students, teachers and schools –% of student’s passing rate to higher education SCA at the core of policy making and strategic discussions forum of education sector –Membership in the steering committee of Human Resource Development Board (HRDB) –Active participation in working groups at national and sub-national levels

9 Keys to Success Good reputation and trust of people Community Involvement and ownership in all stages –planning, implementation, governance, security… Contribution in national priorities –access, quality improvement, capacity building Close cooperation and coordination with MoE at national and sub-national levels

10 Keys to Success Long term approach and continuous support Respect to diversities –Religions, local traditions, ethnicity… Impartiality –No engagement in conflicts, military operations, PRT and local conflicts and disputes in insecure areas Transparency with key stakeholders Cost efficient and effectiveness

11 Challenges Deteriorating security problems High demand for CBE classes compared with the available resources Lack of female teachers in rural areas Cultural barriers to promotion of female teachers

12 Steps Forwards (…to further evolve education area) Increased community ownership and involvement –Strengthen the School Councils (shura) –Enhanced advocacy skills of the School Councils Balanced endeavors in three main pillars –access, quality and capacity development Enhanced efforts to increase access for education –More than four mil school age children out of school –Children with disabilities, Kuchi and seasonal migrant children…

13 Steps Forwards (…to further evolve education area) Focused and specific efforts to enhance female participation in education –Promotion of female teachers –Reeducation of girls’ drop out in secondary level, particularly girls –Promotion of female staff in decision making levels of MoE, at national and sub-national levels… Efforts to ensure continuity in education – primary, secondary and higher levels