Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Ethiopia October 6 th, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Ethiopia October 6 th, 2008

Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Ethiopia. Ethiopia

Global leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Ethiopia is located in eastern Africa, bordered by Sudan to the west, Kenya to the south, Somalia and Djibouti to the east, and Eritrea to the north. The country’s many mountain ranges and national parks with its rivers flowing in all directions make it naturally beautiful. However, Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Ethiopia Facts & Figures Population: 80 million + Rural population (%) * (2005)84% Annual population growth rate (%) * :1.8 Population 0-14 years:41% Life expectancy at birth: 47 years

Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Facts & Figures Continues….. Population living below national poverty line: 45 % (% of pop. earning less than $2 a day) * :78 Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation: 13 % Population with sustainable access to improved water source: 22 %

Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Facts & Figures Continues….. Births attended by skilled health personnel: 6 % Total fertility rate (births per woman) * (2005):5.3 Under 5 mortality rate per 1,000 live births: 123

Global leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Early childhood development (ECD) is a powerful catalyst for breaking the cycle of poverty. Children participating in ECD across numerous countries make significant intellectual and social gains later in life, compared to children without access to similar programs. This has a positive effect not just on participants but on their parents, families and communities as well.

Global leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD ECD supports "whole child" activities: cognitive (language, numbers, creative play, thinking skills), psychosocial (self-esteem, interpersonal, emotional) and physical (growth). The goal is to ensure a healthy and positive foundation for life and to prepare children for success in primary school

General Information (Education Statistics Annual Abstract ) DescriptionBase Year 2002/03 End Year 2006/07 Average Annual Growth Rate Population ECD Age ,068,1967,031,1213.8% ECD Level 123,057219, % ECD Centers/ Kindergarten % Trained Staff for ECD % Net- Enrolment ECD Level %

Global Leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD Strategy for Advocacy National level / Government stakeholders & the Donor community Community level / parents, teachers, PTA’s, CBO’s & the community at large

Global leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD ECCD / ECCE Advocacy at the national level: A task force that consists of Save the Children Alliance, NGO’s working on ECCD, the State Ministry and UNICEF was established & workshop conducted; In the final workshop, a Technical Committee consisting of the Minsitry of Education, UNICEF, Addis Ababa University, College of Teachers’ Education, Save the Children Alliance and Basic Education Network Ethiopia was formed

National Advocacy for ECCD cont…. to prepare a draft policy framework for ECCD.The draft was presented to the State Minister for General Education and the Implementation Stratagy will be released in October The introduction of a National Policy Framework will help make a difference in the lives of Ethiopian Children.

Children in one of the Rural Villages ECCD Centers in Woliso District, Oromia Region in Ethiopia

Global leaders 2008 National Advocacy for ECCD - Media and Communication A radio program that aims to educate about & advocate for Early Childhood Development has started being aired on the National FM radio station at present. When the implementation strategy is out a press conference and a panel discussion on ECCD will take place Prominent Ethiopian newspapers will also run articles on ECCD

Network A Network among the different stakeholders on ECCD has been established. To Advocate for ECCD among the community through the work on the ground To organize & fund experience sharing and cross visits for members and key community stakeholders in order to capitalize on good & best practices To grow into an ECCD Association to draw on the many expertise on the field to both promote and create access to quality ECCD in Ethiopia.

Experience Sharing Network

Achievements National ECCD task force that advocates for ECCD has been established. Policy frame work for ECCD has been drafted. The Government has taken ECCD as its strategic direction to enhance Education for All (EFA) and MDG; Enrollment has increased from 2.7 % to 3.1% in government recognized institutions from nil;

… Achievement conti… Universities and Teachers’ Colleges developed curriculum and started training for ECCE educators An ECCD network has been established to initiate an association at a national level to enhance both the policy advocacy and the work Many NGOs and community groups started to implement ECCD as a vital component of children development; ECCD and ECD programs are also expanding in the rural and remote areas in a community based approach and school based approach;

Children who completed a two years ECCD program and are ready to join grade one in one the SC USA ECD centers

Ethiopian Report