A Leadership Cadre Members Role: Lead, Support and Facilitate Transition Teacher directed, memory- focused instruction Student-centered, performance- focused learning Isolated work on invented exercises Collaborative work on authentic, real-work projects Factual, literal thinking for competence Creative thinking for innovation and original solutions Primary focus on school and local community Expanded focus including digital global citizenship Isolated assessment of learning Integrated assessment for learning Traditional EnvironmentsEmerging Learning Landscape Knowledge from limited, authoritative sources Learner-constructed knowledge from multiple information sources and experiences
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here -
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” Framework for Enabling C2015 From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” Framework for Enabling C2015 From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” C2015 Student Outcomes Confident Person Thinks independently Communicates effectively Has good inter-personal skills Self-directed Learner Takes responsibility for own learning Questions, reflects, perseveres Uses technology adeptly Concerned Citizen Is informed about world and local affairs Empathises with and respects others Participates actively Active Contributor Exercises initiative and takes risks Is adaptable, innovative, resilient Aims for high standards From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There.
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” From Here - To There
Framework Update “Connecting the Dots” C2015C2015 DOE From Here - To There. Package the 2015 into PETALS
Day Two – Thursday, January 7 Putting the Framework into Action 8:30 AM-9:00 AM Welcome, Recap Day 1, Framework Update 9:00 AM-10:30 AM Pedagogy 10:30 AM-10:45 AM - Break 10:45 AM-12:00 PM Web 2.0 Project Development, Jigsaw Activity – Share Learning 12:00 PM-1:00 PM - Lunch 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Project Based Learning Approach & Constructivist Lesson 2:30 PM- 2:45 PM – Break 2:45 PM – 4:15PM Project Based Learning Approach 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM Developing Guiding Questions for Instructional Design “C2015”
Objectives and Outcomes for Day Two OBJECTIVES 1.Leverage Web 2.0 and Project Based Learning strategies as tools in effective pedagogy 2.Review pedagogical strategies for the effective integration of ICT 3.Identify and demonstrate how project based learning can produce self directed and collaborative learning in a technology rich environment OUTCOMES 1.Participants will strengthen and share their knowledge of Web 2.0 tools for use with project based learning 2.Participants will extend their curriculum design techniques for integrating ICT through a project-based approach which can be extended to other pedagogical methodologies: inquiry based, problem based, challenge- based learning and others.
Pedagogy 1.Understanding By Design – a backward design approach for developing projects 2.A taxonomy for integrating technology
10:45 AM – 12:00 PM Web 2.0 Development & Jigsaw Share TASK Jigsaw Work individually or in pairs to explore how to use wikis further Complete the 4 Square Reflection Search for / Develop additional wiki resources o Technology How To o Curricular Examples Be Prepared to share your findings with others
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH