The Book of Acts Chapters 6 & 7
Schedule Jan. 4 – Intro and 1 Jan. 11 – 2 Jan. 18 – 3 Jan. 25 – 4 Feb. 1 – 5 Feb. 8 – 6/7 Feb. 15 – 8 Feb. 22 – 9 Mar. 1 – Mar 8 – 11/12 (Franklin) Mar. 15 – 13/14 Mar. 22 – 15 Mar. 29 – 16 Apr. 5 – 17 Apr. 12 – 18/19 (Hopkinsville) Apr. 19 – 19/20 Apr. 26 – 21 May 3 – 22 May 10 – 23/24 May 17 – 25 May 24 – 26/27 May 31 – 28
Chapter 6 summary Apostles ask for 7 men to serve the needs of the widows. The church continues to grow. Stephen is accused of blasphemy and brought before the Sanhedrin.
Seven chosen to serve (1-7) Hellenists/Grecian, Jews who spoke Greek and attended Greek synagogues. Hebrews, Jews who spoke Aramaic/Hebrew and attended Hebrew synagogues, largely around Jerusalem. Daily distribution. According to needs. Priorities set: spiritual over physical. Delegation of action to 7 good men.
Seven chosen to serve (1-7) All Greek names. Stephen, later stoned to death in ch. 7 Philip, evangelist in Samaria, Ethopian conversion. Prochorus, Nicamor, Timon, Parmanas not much more known. Nicholas, a convert/proselyte from Antioch. Hands laid on them, church grew, priests believed.
Stephen accused of blasphemy (8-15) Stephen was teaching and performing miracles which caused a great dispute. Cilicia, Tarsus was a principle city, Saul was from there. Could not openly dispute/debate truth. Charged with blasphemy based on trumped up accusations. Jesus: temple was the body, not physical temple in Jerusalem. Stephen’s face becomes as an angel.
Chapter 7 summary Stephen addresses the council. His talk recounts major events with Abraham, Joseph, Moses and how Israel rejected the Holy Spirit and Jesus. His harsh charges are met with anger as Stephen is led out of town and stoned to death.
Stephen’s address (1-8) God appears to Abraham and causes him to leave his land. No inheritance is given him, but a son is promised in his old age. Through that son many descendents will come who will dwell in a foreign land for 400 years. Exod. 12: Covenant of circumcision given. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and 12 sons.
The Patriarchs in Egypt (9-16) God was with Joseph and delivered him despite jealousy and bad turns in his life. Famine in Egypt as Joseph is 2 nd in control. Joseph is revealed to brothers and to Jacob. 75 in the family. Gen. 46:27 (70). Jacob dies and is carried back to Shechem.
God delivers Israel by Moses (17-36) King arose who did not know Joseph. People are oppressed. Moses born, then adopted. At age 40 he kills and Egyptian, then flees to Midian. At age 80 God appears to him in a burning bush. Moses returns to free the people from Egyptian bondage.
Israel rebels against God (37-43) God foretold of a prophet which Israel rejected. They turned back to Egypt. Golden calf idol mentioned.
God’s true tabernacle (44-50) Tabernacle of witness in the wilderness. David had asked to build God’s house but was denied. Instead, Solomon built it. God is not restricted to a physical building.
Israel rejects the Holy Spirit (51-53) Harsh words are spoken by Stephen. This rejection is not limited to the current crowd. Their previous generations had a habit of persecuting prophets. They rejected the law.
Stephen the martyr (54-60) Stephen sees Jesus at the right hand of God. He is cast out of the city and stoned to death. Saul is introduced for the first time. Stephen’s last words teach us much even today. “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.”