21 st Century Skills 1.Core subjects and 21 st Century Theme 2.Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Communication and Collaboration Skills 3.Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT Literacy 4.Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility 3
VISION Tech Valley High School serves as a model – in the region, the state and beyond – of innovative public education that is based in strong partnerships and focuses on educating and inspiring students to embrace the increasingly important world of math and science. MISSION Tech Valley High School provides a unique and innovative student-centered educational opportunity, engages students in current emerging technologies, and supports the growth and economy of the region. 4
CHALLENGE To create a rigorous, relevant, student-centered learning environment that better prepares all students for the 21 st century. 5
CONTEXT Our current education system: Built for another era. American workers: In direct competition with workers around the world. Tech Valley’s leaders agree: Tomorrow’s workforce must be able to collaborate, think critically, communicate & be self-directed. New Technology Foundation of Napa, Calif.: Identifies region as “promising” & gives $400,000 grant for high school to be a “replication site.” 6
A PROVEN MODEL: NEW TECHNOLOGY FOUNDATION Established in 1999 Project of Gates Foundation Network of 36 Schools Technology Tools Training & professional development/coaching $400,000 grant to Tech Valley High – its first in NYS & Northeast 7
Guiding Principles: 1.Small School 2.Project-based learning, student centered 3.Integrated curriculum 4.21 st century skills & NYS learning standards 5.Technology platform 6.Partnerships MODEL OF 21 ST CENTURY TEACHING & LEARNING: TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL 8 7. Contributing to high school reform movement
Tech Valley High School in Brief Regional public high school Math-science-technology theme Joint venture of Questar III & Capital Region BOCES Launched in fall 2007 with 40 freshmen by design Open to students in 48 school districts in seven counties Diverse student body Located at Pitney Bowes Software ( ) while seeking permanent location Contributes to high school reform movement 9
TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: SMALL SCHOOL Why? Better able to establish positive culture (respect, responsibility & trust) Individual learning Teachers “share” students, encourage collaboration “Professional” environment Students help manage school 10
40 students in 1st two years Add one grade at a time Fully enrolled at At Tech Valley High :
Real world challenges & implications Real world assessment Students solve unforeseen problems & meet unpredicted obstacles Thoroughly immersed in teamwork Students are responsible for their own learning & team learning Integrates NYS Learning Standards & Key Ideas Goes beyond NYS Standards by exploring rich & complex problems & issues TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: PROJECT-BASED LEARNING, STUDENT CENTERED 12
Sample Project: “Probing the Hudson” Real-World Challenge: Determined if the Hudson River will be safe for swimming in Project: Students develop river analysis plan, do field research, investigate data & publish a report. 13
“Probing the Hudson:” Meets NYS Learning Standards & Key Ideas MST Standard 1: Analysis, inquiry & design using scientific inquiry methods MST Standard 2: Use appropriate information technologies MST Standard 3: Applying mathematics in real world settings MST Standard 7: Applying mathematics, science & technology to address real-life problems 14
Beacon Institute Center for Advanced Environmental Technology Hudson River Basin Watch NYS Department of Environment Conservation “Probing the Hudson:” Co-designed, co-taught & co-evaluated in conjunction with experts : 15
Global Analysis & Media Explorations (G.A.M.E.) Global History & Geography English Environmental Analysis Integrated Algebra Environmental Science TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: INTEGRATED CURRICULUM 16
TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: 21 ST CENTURY SKILLS & NYS LEARNING STANDARDS Content New York State Standards 21 ST century skills Collaboration Information literacy Critical thinking Innovation Communication: oral, written, mathematical, graphic & artistic Citizenship & ethics Technology literacy Self-direction 17
To earn a living wage, our students will need to use their heads. 19
Global competition requires a different kind of education In order for America to compete globally and secure its future, US workers must develop a high level of creativity and innovation that require a new approach to education. 20
TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM Tools for communicating, collaborating & learning 21
Role of Technology & 1:1 Computer Environment Teachers: Store projects in digital briefcases Post daily course agendas & student grades to the Web Students: Teams share work digitally Have own accounts & server space Create digital portfolios of their work Performance is captured digitally 22
Technology Tools: Project briefcase 23
Technology Tools: Course calendar 24
More than 125 entrepreneurial Tech Valley leaders are shaping & sustaining the school: Corporations Technology companies Economic developers Chambers of commerce Colleges & universities K-12 Organized labor Government TECH VALLY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: PARTNERSHIPS 25
1 st Playable Productions Applied Nano Works Center for Advanced Environmental Technology Cornell University Cooperative Extension Denison Farm NYSDEC Hudson Basin River Watch IBM Local #7 Plumbers & Steamfitters Mohawk Paper Company North Albany Wastewater Treatment Plant Northeast Analytical Q-Drive Rensselaer Co. Soil & Water Conservation District RPI US Geological Survey Wadsworth Center WAMC WMHT Partners help co-design, co-teach & co-assess projects. First-semester partners included: 26
Tech Valley High School Promise “…we will deliver a superb academic program… …use Tech Valley High as a crucible within which we will innovate and create educational improvement and spread that within the region… …create opportunities for schools like this across the State of New York…” Paul Puccio, Chair, Tech Valley High School Operating Board TECH VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL MODEL: CONTRIBUTING TO HIGH SCHOOL REFORM MOVEMENT 27
“From the standpoint of the New Technology Foundation, I think Tech Valley High School has the potential to be the best school we’ve been associated with. Nothing like this is going on in Silicon Valley, in Austin, Texas, in the Research Triangle – in the communities you are competing with. This is the only school that I’m dealing with that has this kind of community support.” Bob Pearlman, Director of Strategic Planning, New Technology Foundation Tech Valley High School from the national perspective