Presentation of National Honor Society Inductees for the School Year Welcome to the 2010 Athens Academy Schacht Lecture
Patrick F. Bassett, President The Global Future for Today’s Students Athens Academy Cum Laude Lecture
The Generative Question for Students & Schools The skills of … The values of… What skills & values will be demanded and rewarded in the global 21 st Century?
What does the research say?
Creating the 21 st. C. Curriculum The Generative Question: What skills & values will be demanded and rewarded in the global 21 st C? Bassett’s Conflated List: (1) character (self-discipline, growth mindset, empathy, integrity, resilience, persistence, and courage) (2) creativity, imagination, and entrepreneurial spirit (3) problem-solving on a real-world local, national, global stage (analysis, filtering, & synthesis: project- based, not text-based learning, technology-enhanced) (4) communications, especially public speaking (5) teaming (6) leadership
Demonstrations of Learning : “What you do, not what you know, the ultimate test of education.” ~PFB Tweet 1. Conduct a fluent conversation in a foreign language about of piece of writing in that language. 2. Write a cogent and persuasive opinion piece on a matter of public importance. 3. Declaim with passion and from memory a passage that is meaningful, of one’s own or from the culture’s literature or history. 4. Produce or perform a work of art. 5. Construct and program a robot capable of performing a difficult physical task.
Demonstrations of Learning 6. Exercise leadership. 7. Using statistics, assess if a statement by a public figure is demonstrably true. 8. Assess media coverage of a global event from various cultural/national perspectives. 9. Describe a breakthrough for a team on which you participated in which you contributed to overcoming a human-created obstacle. 10. Demonstrate a commitment to creating a more sustainable future with means that are scalable.
NAIS’s Challenge 20/20: High NoonHigh Noon Sharing our planet: Issues involving the “global common” Global warming Biodiversity and ecosystem losses Fisheries depletion Deforestation Water deficits Maritime safety and pollution Sharing our humanity: Issues requiring a global commitment & covenant Massive step-up in the fight against poverty Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism Education for all Global Infectious Diseases Digital divide Natural disaster prevention and mitigation Sharing our rulebook: Issues needing a global regulatory approach Reinventing taxation for the 21st century Biotechnology rules Global financial architecture Illegal drugs Trade, investment, and competition rules Intellectual property rights E-commerce rules International labor and migration rules.
Challenge 20/20: Montessori School of Denver
Real-World Project-Based Learning Measuring Water Flow for the Middle School Water in the West Project ~Watershed School, Boulder, CO
20/20 Fay School Entrepreneurship: Global Problem: Water Deficits Global Solution: WaterWalker Fay School (MA) 8 th graders Return
Expeditionary Leadership Training Upper School “Borders” Project – Watershed School, CO NOLS-based Leadership Basics: Taking Care of… 1.Yourself… 2.Your Stuff… 3.Your Responsibilities to the Team In the context of real-world project-based learning and problem-solving Measured by CWRA critical- thinking assessment. Results: Outperformed 99% of college freshmen
Delbarton’s Championship Robotics Team
Falmouth Academy’s Submersible Robot
Run Clip Lamplighter School (TX) Egg Business
Grant Wood’s Victorian Survival Smithsonian Smithsonian Podcast interpretation by Katy Waldman, Holton Arms School Katy Waldman
Patrick F. Bassett, President Here’s to the Solution-Finders and Meaning-Makers! See background slides in appendix