Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board MSTTPA Conference P16 Division- Educator Quality Group 3/21/2011 A.M. Ortiz
M ATH S CIENCE & T ECHNOLOGY T EACHER P REPARATION A CADEMIES A statewide network of Academies at public IHEs to serve the education preparation needs of current and future Mathematics, Science and Technology teachers. 18 academies currently in operation hosted by 15 Institutions of Higher Education across Texas Cycles of Funding: Cycle 1; Cycle 2; Cycle 3; Cycle 4A Cycle 4B (to be awarded in May, 2011)
M ATHEMATICS, S CIENCE & T ECHNOLOGY T EACHER P REPARATION A CADEMIES Goals: - higher levels of teacher certification in MST -higher levels of teachers completing a Masters degrees in MST fields -higher levels of certified Master teachers in the MST fields. Progress: - Flexible Masters degree programs - Advanced coursework w/ integrated CCRS awareness and modeling - Seminars focused on instruction --Opportunities for mentoring and early field experiences. --Currently serving 1095 in-service and pre-service teachers.
The Strategic Role of the MSTTP Academies Strategies to Accelerate Progress Towards Closing the Gaps : Success: Increase number of teachers initially certified through all teacher certification routes and [improve] teacher effectiveness Network of Academies and Cohorts of Teachers: 15 Universities leading Academies Over 50 School districts have pledged support Over 90 Faculty involved Over 1000 university students/ teacher participants Teacher Preparation Programs are being affected- sustainable impact CCRS Mentorship Technology integration Sharing Best Practices Strategies to Accelerate Progress Towards Closing the Gaps : Success: Increase number of teachers initially certified through all teacher certification routes and [improve] teacher effectiveness Network of Academies and Cohorts of Teachers: 15 Universities leading Academies Over 50 School districts have pledged support Over 90 Faculty involved Over 1000 university students/ teacher participants Teacher Preparation Programs are being affected- sustainable impact CCRS Mentorship Technology integration Sharing Best Practices
MSTTPA REPORTING SCHEDULE Status Rpt Year- end Rpt Status Rpt Year- end Rpt Status Rpt Year- end Rpt Oct. 30, 2010 May 16, 2011 Oct. 31, 2011 May 15, 2012 Oct. 31, 2012 Two Report Formats: Status Report ; Year-end Report Yearly Cooperation with External Evaluators Focus on Learning/Teaching Goals Report on Participant Metrics Sharing of Best Practices
MSTTPAs: Thank you for your Leadership & Collaboration Integration of CCRS Mentoring Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning Project & Project Based Learning Technology Use in STEM Education Project Management & Implementation Program Evaluation Integration of CCRS Mentoring Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning Project & Project Based Learning Technology Use in STEM Education Project Management & Implementation Program Evaluation