ICT in teaching and learning
ICT in Galician Educational System integration of ICT in all school subjects use of 1:1 move from media consuming to create own contents development of Creativity and Key Competences through project based learning and students competitions
ICT in Galician Educational System The aims –efficiency use of modern information and communication technologies to increase the quality of education, to enrich of learning content and involving of innovative educational technology. –encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning in order to develop basic skills (reading, writing, mathematics and science), key competences, (learning to learn, sense of initiative, critical thinking, resilience... we aim to develop teaching methods and best practices that effectively support the development of key competences and skills –use of ICT at school in the same sophisticated way as they do it in they leisure or at home.
Difficulties based in unrealistic claims bolting on ICT to traditional teaching & learning teachers’ perceptions of increased workload most of teachers just use the technology to information support even teachers use computers they organize traditional teaching, they change the tools but not the pedagogies there is discrepancy between the use of ICT at school and the use at home/leisure assessment of digital literacy is not widespread
ICT in schools In Regional action plan the follow major measurements are foresee: –establishment of suitable law documents for support of ICT education and integration of ICT in educational process. –Abalar Programme. –innovations supported by changes in pedagogy –Development of information network for all schools and their connection with broadband Internet. –In- service teachers training in using ICT in all school subjects, ICT coordinator at schools. –Establishment of Regional educational portal, platforms for distance learning end elearning content for all school subjects
Integration of ICT in all school subjects Development of e-learning content by teachers and students - Contents to learn L’ Europensemble - Lesson plans National education portal
Schools Initiatives Development of Best Practices Webquests- http ://centros.edu.xunta.es/cpiocruce/comeniuskem/dickens/index.html http ://centros.edu.xunta.es/cpiocruce/comeniuskem/dickens/index.html Treasure Hunt : Lessons- Games- Tales - Riddles- Podcasts - Blogs Videoconferencing
Schools Initiatives Radio Programmes- Videos Collaborative projects Learners centered aproaches
Through Project Based Learning, Students Competitions, gymkanas…. Development of Creativity and Competences
Students Competitions and activities Development and improve of key competencies: –Digital competencies –Competencies for Learn to Learn –Competencies in each school subject area –Competencies about Copyrights and properly use of information published in web space –…… Creativity –Design of the project –Transform information to the knowledge –Real life tasks –…
Learning to learn The activities should promote: Motivation students must be ready to learn be willing to face a challenge listen carefully and work well (with others and on my own) think carefully and use the skill and knowledge they already have. understand what I have learnt and know my next target. think about what they learn
ICT to innovate and modernise learning and teaching practices Increasing digital competence/ e-literacy in teachers and students ICT enhancing innovation of E&T The upscaling of innovations Making changes systemic and sustainable and mainstreaming ICT use in educational policies and practices Leadership and institutional change for a renewed strategy on learning Towards a new learning paradigm. Allow more learner-centred approaches Digital competences as core life and employability skills Professional development –the teacher as learner at the centre-
Training and guidance for methods teaching is a complex process and teachers should acquire many knowledge domains properly. technology knowledge and competencies is one of them developing complex knowledge and problem-solving, the use of cases and provide teachers with appropriate knowledge of using ICT tools Using Videocases
Video cases capture complexity of classroom context and provide efficient way to expose viewers to its authenticity. Students can replay videos to gather ideas learn teaching methods observe classroom interactions see important features
HOW TO TEACH ENTREPRENEURSHIP? A Virtual company as a learning method The difficulty of the activity will be in accordance with the age of the students What is it all about? A role play in the virtual companies The students establish companies in teams (6-8) Students choose a CEO and team leaders among themselves All virtual companies have a tutor company, from where they get the basic information about the products, marketing, approx. prices etc. Students visit the tutor company at the beginning of the period and when necessary
What do we do in the virtual companies ? Business plans for the companies Budgeting Book keeping Buy and sell products, make offers Build websites, videos, advertisements, and posters... Hold meetings once a day (students make memos) Make weekly news and staff news Pay a visit to the tutor company, bank, insurance company … Organize open door events Organize trade fairs
Good things about the virtual company: It’s very motivational activity for students It differs from the normal school work The students get an idea of what a company does This method teaches team work, ICT and entrepreneurship but also other subjects and skills Students love doing these type of activities and they learn new competences
Assessment The evaluation of the learning and teaching process is mainly focussed in National/regional Strategies, Curricula and Learning Outcomes In students assessment we use the : -grids -videocases -questionaires -multiple inteligence tests -e-portfolio
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