Career Readiness Academy Update Recent Progress
Recruitment Stakeholder presentations were made to: Assistant Principals, Principals, School Social Workers, middle and high School Counselors, Graduation Coaches, middle school Literacy Coaches, AIG teachers and Career Development Coordinators. Middle School Visits to Williston, Virgo, Roland-Grise, and Trask have reached out to the Middle School Counselors to schedule the other middle schools private and charter schools have also been contacted Open House/Parent Night-April 29 th, have planned a Connect 5 Call to notify parents and students Referrals from school personnel will be contacted individually
Marketing Created in conjunction with UNCW Advanced Public Relations and Marketing Communications class and professor Jennifer Chin
Business Partnerships Established partnership with AT&T Job Shadowing Mentoring
Instruction Collaborative planning and interdisciplinary lessons scheduled for May Professional Learning Communities are scheduled in April and May to discuss establishing norms and developing a curriculum map to encourage future interdisciplinary instruction AIG partnership established Site Visit to Olympic High School in Charlotte which houses a career academy
Professional Development All staff received professional development where the objective was to develop a working definition of career-readiness using Career Technical Education and reform model vocabulary in context A follow-up training addressed the definitions and how those definitions could be applied conceptually to the Career Readiness Academy in the fall The CTE teacher, Richard Smith, received a Microsoft credential in PowerPoint
Career Week Presenters Career College Promise-Brian Weeks Steve Schnitzler-C.E.O Port City Java College of Wilmington-Cosmetology Department Brittany Davis-Art Institute of Wilmington Aquarium at Fort Fisher-Marissa Roman Jeff Gordon Chevrolet, they also volunteered to do a fundraiser in the Mosley name Skyped with the Managing Director of Fed Ex in Alaska
Career Week Donations Greg's Uniforms donated 75 uniforms Tech Link Corp donated $1000 PR UNCW posted on their website that we attended the Dress for Success fashion show and will have our own next year as "part of the school’s transformation into the premier career readiness academy in the region, according to the New Hanover County school system." New Hanover County page announced Mosley career day, included pictures of our students in their scrubs, also featured on the NHCS TV