Engineering Fundamentals
You know what engineers do. You know what engineering is and why it is important. But what do you need to do to become an engineer?
The Lower Division Core Physics Calculus Chemistry Engineering Lower Division courses are courses taken primarily in the first two years of college.
Physics Foundation Physics 4A Engineering Physics – Mechanics Physics 4B Engineering Physics – Electricity and Magnetism Physics 4C Engineering Physics – Light and Heat Physics 4D Engineering Physics – Atomic (and Modern Physics)
Math Foundation Math 3A Calculus I Math 3B Calculus II Math 4A Intermediate Calculus Math 4B Differential Equations Math 4C Differential Equations
Prerequisites for Physics Math 3A is required for Phys 4A Math 3B and Phys 4A is required for Phys 4B Math 3B and Phys 4A is required for Phys 4C Phys 4B is required for Phys 4D
Prerequisites for Math Algebra II and Trigonometry is required for Math 3A Math 3A is required for Math 3B Math 3B is required for Math 4A Math 3B is required for Math 4B Math 4A is required for Math 4C
Chemistry Foundation Chem 1A General Chemistry Chem 1B General Chemistry
Prerequisites for Chemistry Math C (Intermediate Algebra) is required for Chem 1A Chem 1A is required for Chem 1B
There is a linear sequence to math, chemistry, and physics courses. Math is used in all science courses because math is the language used for solving science problems.
Engineering Foundation Engr 10 Introduction to Engineering Engr 23 Statics (Mechanics of static structures) Engr 24(L) Intro to Circuit Analysis Engr 25 Graphics Engr 26 Materials Engr 30 Computing (C++) for Engineers
Prerequisites for Engineering Math 3B and Physics 4A are required for Engr 23 Math 3B and Physics 4B are required for Engr 24 Chem 1A, Physics 4A, and Math 3B are required for Engr 26 Note: A CIS course is an advisory for Engr30
How will you succeed? Commitment Supportive Family Positive peer pressure An environment conducive to studying Having self-advocacy skills Figuring out when you need to take certain classes. Others?
Develop an Educational Plan for an engineering student at Mission College. Assume this student took Chemistry and Algebra II in HS and received a B or better in both.
Wed. Bring Mission College catalog and find catalog of 4-year college you wish to transfer to. Can use online catalog too. Visit from MESA Turn in homework (typed Try using