“Quality assurance for technical education in Jordan / Engineering Education ” Funded By European Training Foundation - Tempus department Project Title:
Project consortium: Jordan Ministry of Higher Education & Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST) Sweden - KTH Swedish National Agency for Higher Education Italy Italy University di Torino University di Torino
We have been informed by Ministry of Higher Education that a good opportunity exists for funding a worthwhile and well addressed proposals from TEMPUS A good news Good Proposal = Good Idea + Good Plan
First: The proposal should be written for the benefit of MHE &JUST as well as for the funding body “TEMPUS”. There are two vital facts to bear in mind before starting proposal writing : So we have to be concern about the development of meaningful cooperative relationships between European Commission and Jordan
Second: The selection committee members have to read hundreds of proposals seeking support, so we have short time to grab our reader's attention. Therefore, a well-formulated problem should be addressed
CHOOSING A TOPIC: Choosing a topic that is interesting to Faculty of Engineering but also of more general interest to all partners is a key part of the overall assignment We decided to choose a case for support which helps us in conducting our mission efficiently. What we want to do first?
The Main Mission of Faculty of Engineering is: To implement a suitable strategy which enable the achievement of the following Objectives: Curriculum development Curriculum development Continuous improvement of teaching and learning performance.Continuous improvement of teaching and learning performance. Better experiential learning environments which to be provided by laboratories and workshopsBetter experiential learning environments which to be provided by laboratories and workshops Using an effective assessment methods to determine the quality of the learning process.Using an effective assessment methods to determine the quality of the learning process.
What do we need ? We need a framework for ensuring the quality of teaching and learning and to establish a suitable system for accreditation of programs and courses in our faculty. This is a professional development and team type project
Is it necessary to apply for the project? NO The paperwork is killingThe paperwork is killing Running a large project is very complexRunning a large project is very complex Writing a proposal is expensiveWriting a proposal is expensive We never know if we will get the moneyWe never know if we will get the money Let’s ask ourselves :
Because A great emphasis, has been shown recently, by Ministry of Higher Education on : program evaluation, program evaluation, curricula monitoring, curricula monitoring, quality assurance quality assurance accreditation accreditation This is due to the continuous increase in the number of local universities, private institutions and enrollment YES Why we want to do it?
Is it an important problem whose solution will have a useful effects?Is it an important problem whose solution will have a useful effects? YES NO The higher education system at Jordan has been adopted to meet the local and regional needs and at the same time, to assure that the education system will be a major national asset, a source of national security and the emerging characteristic that shifts Jordan to the status of a developed countries Find out the problem, objectives and methods
It is limited to: 1.Student evaluation of the course at the end of each semester 2- Evaluation reports prepared by the Head of the departments & the Dean when the staff applied for promotion. Quality assurance of teaching, program evaluation, staff appraisal and assessment in the Jordanian universities is conducted internally. ** 1 These are not sufficient to evaluate the staff, academic and teaching performance
** 2 still, most of the staff in public Universities believe that, there is so far no need for accreditation to their programs, because, public universities have been steered for a long time centrally by the MHE which has a big say in the recognition of Higher Education programs and the degrees to be delivered. The majority have agreed upon that, there is a need for better internal quality assessment; but ** 3 only a few believe in external quality assessment and accreditation.
However, international developments can not be neglected. we see an emphasis on accreditation due to the global establishment of many private institutions for higher education, students exchanges and students mobility. In the near future it might be not possible to look at quality in a national framework only. An international dimension may be need not only to validate national standards but also for assessment and accreditation. ** 4 An international dimension may be need not only to validate national standards but also for assessment and accreditation.
Specific objective: To develop a framework for ensuring quality of higher education and establishing a system for accreditation of programs and courses in technical universities at Jordan
A proposal could be written to address a well formulated problem YES, we can solve the problem faster and with less cost Can we lunch the program without external help? Qualified staff Financial resources NO, due to the lack of
Staff costsTravel & stay costs Equipment Other costs Lack of financial resources estimated total cost How much we can offer? +- Needed budget ?
Totally Partially Training programs Experience is needed Knowledge is needed Lack of qualified staff
Training abroad Training programs Training locally We have a Case for Support, the project is definitely needed and should be funded so we can start writing the proposal
The most basic composition of a proposal is simple, it needs: 1- A beginning (the introduction) 2- A middle ( the body of the material to be presented) 3- An end ( the conclusion and recommendation) The INTRODUCTION summarizes : The problems we intended to solve The solutions to that problems and benefits to be The solutions to that problems and benefits to be received from the solutions received from the solutions The cost of that solutions The cost of that solutions
The body explains : The details of the solution. What method will be used. What method will be used. The required material, personal and equipment. The required material, personal and equipment. When the work will begin and when the job will be When the work will begin and when the job will be completed. completed. The detailed cost for the entire job. The detailed cost for the entire job.
Size of Engineering Education System - Engineers employment records for the year 2002 [6] (Population =100%): Total number of Jordanian engineers 50632Total number of Jordanian engineers Rate of engineers to HE persons 10.33%Rate of engineers to HE persons 10.33% Rate of Engineers to population0.95%Rate of Engineers to population0.95% Rate of employed engineersRate of employed engineers to population 0.85% Rate of unemployed engineersRate of unemployed engineers to population0.1% to population0.1% Rate of unemployed to employedRate of unemployed to employed Engineers11.8% Rate of Engineers to personsRate of Engineers to persons employed in industry 8.75%
Output/Outcomes: The project will be implemented as a structural measure pilot project in 1-year period. Following outcomes will be produced:The project will be implemented as a structural measure pilot project in 1-year period. Following outcomes will be produced: The report on the experience on introduction of quality control and accreditation for courses and programs in European countries is prepared and made available for all interested parties in JordanThe report on the experience on introduction of quality control and accreditation for courses and programs in European countries is prepared and made available for all interested parties in Jordan The system for quality control is developed and applied for 5 selected pilot courses from the newly introduced study programs in JUSTThe system for quality control is developed and applied for 5 selected pilot courses from the newly introduced study programs in JUST International conference “Quality control and accreditation of higher education” is organised in JordanInternational conference “Quality control and accreditation of higher education” is organised in Jordan Recommendation for implementing quality control and accreditation at university level is developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of JordanRecommendation for implementing quality control and accreditation at university level is developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Jordan The practical seminar “Introduction of quality control and accreditation for technicalThe practical seminar “Introduction of quality control and accreditation for technical
ActivitiesActivities Visit of Swedish and Spanish partners to Jordan for kick- off meeting. The meeting will include following activities: a.Appointing project coordinators in Jordan, Sweden and Italy b.Acquaintance with current situation with quality assurance and accreditation in higher education in Jordan c.Meeting at the Ministry of Education of Jordan with persons working with quality assurance and accreditation of higher technical education d.Forming the project team in Jordan for the project implementation
1.Study visit to Sweden and Italy for getting necessary information concerning implementation of quality assurance, accreditation and standardization of higher education at university and institutional level. 2.Preparing the report concerning experience of EU partners in quality assurance and accreditation of technical programs and courses 3.Organising international conference “Quality control and accreditation of higher technical education” in Jordan 4.Developing recommendations on implementation of quality assurance and accreditation of higher technical education in Jordan 5.Performing pilot application of developed quality control and accreditation system for 5 selected courses from new programs, developed in the framework of Tempus projects 6.Organising the practical seminar “Introduction of quality control and accreditation for technical disciplines in Jordan universities” 8.Coordination and management activities a.Coordination meetings of the appointed project coordinators b.Assigning responsible persons for all project activities c.Producing activity reports within 2-weeks after finishing the activity d.Preparing progress reports and the final project report and submitting them to Tempus e.Day-by-day coordination and management using and phone.
The CONCLUSION should emphasize : The benefits that the reader will realize from the solution. Funding this project will help in implementing a suitable strategy which enable Jordan Universities to achieve the following themes: 1.curriculum reform to ensure that students have opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and adaptation to new situations 2. - improved teaching and learning necessary for deep understanding of technical information and self learning skills experiential learning environments provided by laboratories and workshops 4. - effective assessment methods to determine quality and improve the learning process.