Technology Enhanced Project Based Learning An Experiential Learning experience designed to enhance 21 st Century Skills21 st Century Skills
Technology Enhanced Project Based Learning A student centered teaching and learning where student develops knowledge and skills through an extended task that promotes student inquiry and authentic demonstrations of learning in product and performances with the support of technology
Project Based Learning Characteristics Student at the center of the learning process The project focused on important learning objectives aligned with CS The project is driven by Curriculum-framing Questions Ongoing and multiple types of assessment are involved Connected tasks and activities take place over a period of time The project has real-world connections Students demonstrate knowledge and skills through products and performances that are published, presented, or displayed Technology supports and enhances student learning Intel Teach Program Essential Course, 2008
Students’ role Problem solver Decision maker Investigator Documentarian
Teachers’ role Facilitator Co-explorer Coach Motivator
Overview A group of 8 students will carry out and experience a Project-based learning on the topic of Energy, in particular Nuclear Energy. The goal of the project is to determine whether nuclear energy can be the dominant energy source in Malaysia besides petroleum. Students will act as stakeholders (e.g. government, public, or business community) to decide whether nuclear energy is a good energy source alternative to petroleum for Malaysia.
Nuclear Dilemma on Berita Harian Website
Tasks for the project Background reading about nuclear energy and related issues - Radioactive substances, production of nuclear energy and its uses, proper handling of radioactive substances, safety measures of nuclear power plant, nuclear disasters, etc. Create online survey (questionnaire), interview the people and experts, group members to discuss, set-up a wikispace, write a research report, organize a debate and a half-day seminar, write a persuasive letter to the Editor of a prime newspaper, create a joint website with the other teams to publish all the questionnaire, interview questions, data and findings from the research and produce a poster and a brochure to enlighten the public and create awareness about the pros and cons of nuclear energy as an energy source.
Curriculum Specifications Theme: Energy in Life Learning Area: Nuclear Energy Learning Outcomes 1.Explain what radioactive substances are, their characteristics and uses. 2.Describe the production of nuclear energy, its uses and effects. 3.Describe the correct way of handling radioactive substances and its waste and the need for it. Content Questions 1.How is nuclear energy produce and use? Produce a poster on the functioning of a nuclear power plant with the latest safety features. 2.How can you create awareness of the importance of handling radioactive substances and wastes properly? 3.How can you educate the public to be more aware of nuclear energy in order to be able to make an informed decision about nuclear energy as the dominant source of energy for Malaysia? Unit Questions1.How does energy shortage affect our life? 2.Can nuclear energy be the dominant energy source in Malaysia? Essential Questions How is life without energy?
Tasks for the project Students will be given 4 weeks to complete the project. Each week groups will report on their progress. At the end of the project there will be a half-day seminar where each group will present their findings to students and lecturers and perhaps inviting an expert as a guest speaker. They will also do self- reflection focusing on the challenges, highlights, strengths, and suggestions for improvements for future projects using blogs and peer-assessment.
Project Timeline Week 1 Form groups of 8 students Do background reading on radioactive substances and nuclear energy Create wikispaces and blogs Write up a paper work for funding and permission to organise a half-day seminar on nuclear energy Week 2 Create online survey, interview people & experts (if possible) Analyse data Week 3 Publish a brochure and a poster on nuclear energy production and its pros and cons Create a joint website to publish questionnaire, interview protocols, data, and research report Week 4 Debate on Nuclear Energy as the dominant source of energy alternative to petroleum Organise a half-day seminar on Nuclear Energy (perhaps inviting an expert) Write a persuasive letter to the Editor of a prime newspaper based on the findings