The participants will be able to: understand Project Based Learning (PBL) through Technology and its features; comprehend the characteristics and features of PBL; identify key features of managing and assessing PBL;
Project-based learning, (PBL) is the use of classroom projects, where students use technology and inquiry to engage with issues and questions that are relevant to their lives. These classroom projects are used to assess student's subject matter competence compared to traditional testing. What is Project Based Learning (PBL)
Real-world problems capture students' interest, as the students acquire and apply new knowledge in a problem-solving context. The teacher plays the role of facilitator, working with students to frame worthwhile questions, structuring meaningful tasks, coaching both knowledge development and social skills, and carefully assessing what students have learned from the experience. The Core Idea
What is Project Based Learning? Explore online, what is project based learning project-based-learning-with-these-10-powerful-tools/ In pairs/groups, share your understanding as a whole class in the form of an illustrative poster Activity 1
Watch the video 1 and Record any messages that you like Activity 2
Video Messages Themes/Subjects ICT Integration Management Advantage to Learners/Skills Developed Professional Development Elements of E-safety
Conventional Vs. Project Based Instructional Approach
21 st Century Skills ICT Literacy Cognitive Skills Interpersonal Skills Self and Task Management Research and Information Fluency Creativity and Innovation Personal Traits
So, instead of making them do yet another worksheet, let them… Pod cast Blog Use Social media Use Social media Find information
Project Based Learning Management and Assessment
Management It will help IT and Subject Teachers to coordinate We have exclusive IT plans for IT Teachers based on IT skills only Subject Projects with Technology Integration. It will include details for subject teacher and project (IT Integration) plan for IT Teacher Subject Teacher + IT Teacher = Coordination Meeting
Project Execution Subject teacher will initiate project in the class. She needs to coordinate with IT teacher to facilitate them in executing the IT integration part of the project. IT teacher will ensure that technology integration is executed properly during IT lessons for the assigned project.
Assessment Students in Class 3 to 8 will learn IT skills and integrate those skills meaningfully in the projects related to different subjects based on 21st Century Skills and the levels of Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. The final grade of students from Grade 3 to Grade 8 will be marked and evaluated on IT skills assessed in the projects.
Project Assessment for IT Skills ICTech Assessment for Mid Term and Final Term I AflSummative Assessment Software 1 30 Software 2 30 PBL 40 60%40%
Reporting Structure The following EVIDENCE should be maintained by the schools: Record of Coordination Meeting Student Portfolio: IT Teachers can maintain file folders which can be shared with parents and the head office at the end of each term Record of Assessments by IT teacher and Subject teacher
Any Questions!
Evaluation Forms
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