Using the Right Word
Choose son or sun to complete each sentence. 1. The __________shines on hot days. 2. Sometimes clouds hide the _______. 3. Mrs. Lee has a little __________. 4. Our _____________warms the earth. sun son sun
Choose son or sun to complete each sentence. 1. My uncle has one _______. 2. The ________is shining this morning. 3. Wow, look at the __________ going down. 4. Josh is the oldest _____________. son sun son sun
Choose tail or tale to complete each sentence. 1. A lion and a tiger each have a long _______. 2. A monkey can hang by its ________. 3. Our class read a silly _________. 4. A boxer dog has a short ________. tail tale tail
Choose tail or tale to complete each sentence. 5. I like the __________about the helpful boy. 6. Mrs. Moss told a funny _______. 7. The cat caught its _______in the door. 8. Our pet pig has a curly _________. tale tail
Choose to, too, and two to fill in the blanks. One day Dee and Ben went _______ the store. They wanted ______ get ________birthday presents. They wanted ______ get _________ cards, __________. They found ________ funny toys. They found _________ funny cards, __________. to two to two too two too to