Action Learning Project Presenters: Justin Roberson, Sophia Begody & Tanya Gorman-Keith
The Challenge
Eagles ’ Nest Intermediate School will : increase student achievement in math by 10% in AIMS testing 10% increase in Galileo reading and math quarterly benchmarks Provide professional development to promote effective teaching instruction use of technology (strategy 1) within the math curriculum student-led project-based learning opportunities (strategy 2) Effective instruction: 80% student led, project based math learning; 20% direct instruction by the teacher:
When doing weekly data walks in Eagles ’ Nest classrooms,: -80% of classrooms have a decrease in direct instruction, and an increase in student – led engagement/ projects. -students collaborating in groups with a common goal -students to student or student to teacher voices are heard -Interactions between teacher and student are reciprocal, not one-sided.
90% of the teachers will gain new curriculum, instruction and assessment Information and knowledge (18 out of 20 teachers) 80% of the teachers will integrate the new knowledge and information into their curriculum and assessment methodology (16 out of 20 teachers) 80% of the teachers will apply the new knowledge and information through new pedagogy (16 out of 20 teachers).
Goal: 100% of ENIS students meet or exceed in math as measured by the 2014 AIMS; 100% of ENIS are highly engaged in math learning 80% of the time.
The ALP Process
Principal Mentor Stipends for Leadership Team Data Walks and Digs Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Common Core
Intersession After AIMS Testing Decrease in Direct Instruction Activity Oriented
Student Led Direct Instruction- decreased Teacher Behavior-letting go of old routines Student Behavior- classroom management
Native Innovations Appropriate use of technology Exploration & Experimentation Beyond Textbook PD (Districtwide) Awareness and Information (Year 1) Integration (Year 2) Implementation (Year 3)
The Impact
80:20 Ratio Instructional Strategies Projects Extended Learning Intersession Tutoring Observations Extending Learning Day
Native Innovations Technology Integration Participation- job embedded Satisfaction- high approval; demand for more Observational Change Beyond Textbook PD Series Content- common core; standards-based Participation- all, few excused Satisfaction-high Observational Change
Galileo Benchmarks (10% increase) Math [Pretest(instructional effectiveness) to Benchmark 3] Trends Projection
Questions and Inquiry for Justin, Sophia or Tanya