Currituck County Schools READY to Make the Shift Implementing Common Core and Essential Standards “Inspiring Excellence in Every Student”
Where We’ve Been… FOCUS ON “What is it that we want students to learn?” 2010 Curriculum Mapping (Pacing and Unit Frameworks) 2011 Curriculum Revisions to include CC/ES Professional Development on CC/ES – ▫Unpacking the Standards ▫Building Understanding of Instructional Shifts ▫Renewed Focus on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Where We’ve Been… FOCUS ON “How will we know if they’ve learned it?” Common Assessments and District Benchmarks aligned with Pacing/Frameworks Professional Development on Formative Assessment (NC Falcon) Using technology as a tool for assessing learning
Where We’ve Been… FOCUS ON “What will we do if they haven’t learned it? Or already know it? Using formative data to differentiate instruction Providing Student Supports as a component of implementing RtI (Responsiveness to Instruction)
Where We’re Going… FOCUS ON “How will we TEACH it in a 21 st Century Classroom?” Universal Design for Learning Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Teaching 21 st Century Skills Integrating and Using Literacy and Technology
Every Day, Every Class…. Students will need to READ, WRITE, and TALK Interact with each other, with text, and with technology Problem solve Make choices Be engaged Reflect on learning
Every Day, Every Class…. Teachers will need to Be prepared (collaboratively planning at least once/week) Be flexible Value differences in our students’ learning needs and learning styles Model expected behaviors Provide feedback to students Use PLCs to focus on teaching and student learning Stretch themselves as educators and learners Reflect on their practice
How Will We Get There?
Focus On Common Instructional Practices Maximizing Student Learning and Engagement Through: Scaffolding/Differentiation Collaborative Group Work PBL (Project Based/Problem Based Learning) Literacy Integration (Reading, Writing, Speaking) Critical Thinking (Questioning) and Problem Solving Technology Integration and Use by Students
Resources to Assist Our Development NC DPI Wiki Central Currituck County Schools Online Resources and Curriculum Materials Curriculum Guides: CCS/Instruction/Elementary or Secondary Pages Universal Design for Learning Guidelines/Resources PBL Lessons
Summer Institute Presentations