Agenda TopicSpeaker Wednesday Coffee and welcome Project update over last 6 monthsGDM (general stuff, financials etc) Workpackage reviews, updates and.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda TopicSpeaker Wednesday Coffee and welcome Project update over last 6 monthsGDM (general stuff, financials etc) Workpackage reviews, updates and plans for next 6 months Workpackage leaders Dinner Thursday WP5 and final demonstratorAll Plans for final annual review in Brussels AOB – Follow on project?

WP1 – Project Management Project extended until end November 09 –Approved by EU 30 th April 09 –No additional funding –Workpackages and deliverables amended

New Workpackage List NoWorkpackage titleLead Contractor No Person months Start month End month Deliverable No WP1Project Management110M0M42D WP2Definition of photonic firewall architecture29M0M6D WP3New security algorithm design529M6M30D WP4Optical processing sub-system development356M6M34D WP5Wirespeed photonic firewall security validation421M27M41D WP6Manufacturability, scalability and functionality study112M0M42D WP7Dissemination and exploitation16M0M42D TOTAL143

Workpackage Modifications Workpackage 1: Project Management Workpackage leader - CIP No change to workpackage tasks. The deliverable dates have been modified and are detailed in the new deliverable table included later. There is the third year technical and administrative report at M36 as planned, but in addition, there is now an administrative report at M42

Workpackage Modifications Workpackage 4: Optical processing sub-system development Workpackage leader - UCC The technical activity in this workpackage is unchanged. The end date for the activity is now M34. This reflects the delay associated with delivery of the integrated optical components. Workpackage 5: Wirespeed photonic firewall security validation Workpackage leader - Avanex Technical activity is unchanged. The workpackage end date has shifted by six months.

Workpackage Modifications Workpackage 6: Manufacturability, scalability and functionality study Workpackage leader - CIP Technical activity is unchanged. The workpackage end date has shifted by six months. Workpackage 7: Dissemination and exploitation Workpackage leader - CIP Technical activity is unchanged. The workpackage end date has shifted by six months.


Deliverable List

Avanex Avanex (now Oclaro) closing facilities in France and leaving project Schedule likely to be end June As far as the technical activity on WISDOM is concerned (for the workpackages currently open), Avanex were responsible for: –Development of the electronic control boards to drive the optical hardware (WP4) –Management of WP5 (Final demonstrator), with their role being in part providing support for the troubleshooting of the boards –Support on WP6 in terms of manufacturability and scalability –Support on WP7 for exploitation and dissemination.

Proposal for Work Handover WP4 contribution –Complete as the electronic boards have been delivered. –Initial testing both by UCC and CIP. –Ongoing troubleshooting support (part of WP5 activity) will now be compromised. The proposal is for UCC and CIP to accelerate the testing and validation of those boards over the next two weeks and work with Avanex to resolve any technical issues. In addition, Avanex have agreed to provide the technical drawings, supplier details, etc to allow partners to work through any remaining issues should they arise, and have further boards made should that be required. Management of WP5 will be transferred to CIP as we (with BT) will be setting up the final demonstrator in Ipswich. Avanex have already provided contributions to WP6 in terms of the scalability and manufacturability of the electronics. Any further contributions from them on that WP will be provided before the end of June. Avanex will be included on additional publications arising from the use of the electronic boards and results of the final demonstrator. The other partners will absorb any additional tasks under WP7.


Year 3 Manpower (so far) Data unchanged from Cork meeting – update required for period report this month

Year 3 External Spend (so far) Data unchanged from Cork meeting – update required for period report this month

Spend across categories

Progress To Date: Deliverables Deliverable No Deliverable titleDelivery date NatureDissemination level D7.1Project presentationM03PPU D1.1Mid-year technical progress reportM06RCO D2.1Optical firewall architecture with target specifications for the optical sub-systems M06RRE D2.2Outline proposals for algorithm designM06RCO D7.2Web site developmentM06PPU D4.1Optical sub-system boundary conditionsM09RCO D1.2First year technical, administrative and future plan report M12RCO D1.2bFirst year periodic activity reportM12RCO D3.1Security Applications PartitioningM12PCO D4.2Hybrid optical circuit layoutsM12RPU D4.3Outline operating conditions for optical sub- system firmware M15RCO D1.3Mid-year technical reportM18RCO D7.2bMid-term report on WISDOM exploitation and dissemination plans M18RCO D1.4Second year technical, administrative and future plan report M24RCO D1.4bSecond year periodic activity reportM24RCO

Next Deliverables Deliverable No Deliverable titleDelivery date NatureDissemination level D3.2Identification of simplified Security Algorithms Components M24RCO D6.1Manufacturability of the complex sub-systemsM24RPU D3.3Definition of a Security Application Programming Interface: SAPI M30RCO D4.4Hybrid Sub-system DevicesM36PPU D4.5Control firmware and software for hybrid sub-systemsM30PRE D1.5Mid-year technical reportM30RCO D5.1Optical Firewall TestbedM30PCO D5.2Firewall response to simulated security attack.M41RCO D5.3Overall performance of the firewall.M41RPU D6.2Optimum location of optical firewall and optical/electronic balance M41RRE D6.3Scalability of the optical firewallM41RPU D1.6Third year technical and administrative reportM36RCO D1.7Final project administrative reportM42RPU D7.3Third year report on WISDOM exploitation and dissemination plans M42RCO D7.4Route to commercialisation and exploitation including activity on raising public participation and awareness M42RRE

Next 6 months WP3 & WP4 completing –Electronic controls and firmware will have been delivered –Expect first iteration of hybrid circuits (June) WP5 will become primary focus –Need to decide on final demonstrator –Location - CIP? –Available equipment & leasing? WP6 –Scaleability in terms of speed (line rate), complexity (number of gates per device) and rule checking scaleability WP7 –ECOC09 –Further discussions with system companies