Current issues in Finland 2 March 2015
Toiminnanohjaus Minor organizational change at the Finnish Transport Agency (FTA) ● Partial rotation of FTA executives ● Small changes within a few departments and units ● Process began at the beginning of February and the new organization will come into effect in April Jukka Hopeavuori 2
Toiminnanohjaus FTA cooperates with education providers ● FTA has entered into cooperation agreement contracts with the main universities (Helsinki, Tampere, Lappeenranta, Oulu) providing traffic and construction courses. ● The same practice will be introduced at universities of applied sciences. At present, contracts with Turku, Tampere and Kouvola UAS. ● A new railway technology learning environment will be established in Kouvola. FTA invests 6 M€, Kouvola UAS organizes the teaching. This environment will be the first introduction to all new railway technology, also for teachers Jukka Hopeavuori 3 Network Rail Walsall
Toiminnanohjaus Competence development at the FTA and in the infrastructure sector ● Master plan on FTA’s and the whole infrastructure sector’s competence development nearly completed. ●FTA’s core competencies and the main ways to develop them ●Framework on basic, expert and top skills and also non-teaching ways to develop the required skills (learning by doing with senior experts, attending projects etc.) ●Networking on competence development is part of the plan Jukka Hopeavuori 4
Toiminnanohjaus Centralization of administrative functions at ministerial level ● All government departments (12) must relocate their administrative employees to the Office of the Council of State as from today (1st March 2015) ● The different ministerial functions: document management, registry offices, archives, internal data systems, office services, security and customer services, translations, transport services, health care and competence development have all been concentrated to one unit. ● The aim is to provide better and more coherent in-house services in all ministries with fewer employees in the future ●Moreover, the different administrative datasystems will be harmonized or replaced with shared systems ● No redundancies; everyone will remain employed by the state ●However, the job description may change Jukka Hopeavuori 5
Toiminnanohjaus Tunnel from Helsinki to Tallinn on the drawing board ● In a preliminary study a railway tunnel from Helsinki to Tallinn is recommended, if the Rail Baltic (railway connection from Tallinn to Warsaw and further on to southern Europe) is realised. ● The study was commissioned by the cities of Helsinki and Tallinn and carried out by Sweco in Finland, Estonia and Sweden, Kohateam Oy and Finantsakadeemia OÜ. If everything goes according to plan, the tunnel will open after Jukka Hopeavuori 6 Newspaper HuvudstadsbladetHuvudstadsbladet
Toiminnanohjaus THANK YOU ! Jukka Hopeavuori 7