專題製作定位與 教學實務分享 張玉英 ( 士林高商 )
Positioning and Implementation of Project Learning Yuying Chris Chang
Contents 1. Overview 2. Objectives 3. Implementation 4. Rationales 5. My syllabi & class events 6. Students’ feedback & reflection 7. Difficulties 8. Q & A 9. Conclusion
1. Overview 教育部於 94 年職業學校外語群科課程暫行綱 要明文規定:校訂必修科目中需開設符合職 場專業需求之『專題製作』 於 98 年起,外語群科中心開始辦理專題製 作競賽 (執行單位:國立台南高級商業職 業學校) 於 100 年承辦單位:國立台灣科技大學 執行 單位:國立台南高級商業職業學校
2. Objectives Why? What? How?
Your answer? My answer is … To develop students’ independent learning ability To foster students’ cooperative learning attitude To search materials and make use of them from libraries/the Internet To trigger students’ critical thinking about the world To sharpen students’ writing and presentation skill
Most Importantly To integrate what students have learned into a work To build up the skill of doing research at college
3. Implementation Period: 1 year Course: Project (Project-based) Learning Class Time: 2 hours per week Class Place: lab, classroom, cyber classroom (e.g. moodle, blogs) Participants: AFL students (day & night), SLHS Instruction material: handouts (my book)
4. Rationales Information Technology (IT) open source, malleability (Castleberry, G.T. & Evers, R.B., 2010; Davis et al., 2006) Problem-solving Tasks motivation, thinking, and learning (Rusbult, 2001) Cooperative learning independence & social interdependence (Johnson & Johnson, 1999a), Modeling theory explicitness, standard (Halloun, 2004)
5. My Syllabi 1st semester: research paper writing 2nd semester: oral presentation & video work
Classroom Events
Course Blog
Appreciation: Students’ Works
Students’ Blog Links
Students' Blogs: To Present Their Works
Independent Learning, Q&A
Independent Learning,Q&A Independent Learning, Q&A
Group Discussion
Presentation Skill
6. Students’ Feedback & Reflection
7. Difficulties Students’ motivation Students’ writing ability Large-size class Lack of time Feelings of loneliness (labor & spirit)
8. Q & A
作專題的過程就如同荀子所言 : 不聞不若聞之,聞之不若見之, 見之不若知之,知之不若行之,學 至於行而止矣。 9. Conclusion Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.