In This Chapter National certification programs Marketing to the green homebuyer Buyer counseling session How to be the source of the source 1-1
National Certification and Rating Programs LEED certification from USGBC ENERGY STAR from EPA National Green Building Certification from NAHB 1-2
LEED for Homes Comprehensive rating system consisting of eight categories: 1.Innovation and Design Process (ID) 2.Location and Linkages (LL) 3.Sustainable Sites (SS) 4.Water Efficiency (WE) 5.Energy and Atmosphere (EA) 6.Materials and Resources (MR) 7.Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) 8.Awareness and Education (AE) 1-3
LEED for Homes Certification levels: silver, gold, or platinum Case Study 1.1: Morrisania Homes, Bronx, NY 1-4
National Green Building Certification In 2005, NAHB developed and published Green Home Building Guidelines. These guidelines address the following areas: 1.Preparation and design of the lot 2.Resource efficiency 3.Energy efficiency 4.Water efficiency and conservation 5.Comfort of occupants and indoor environmental quality 6.Operation, maintenance and homeowner education 1-5
ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes 20–30% more energy efficient than standard homes More than 120,000 new homes earned ENERGY STAR in 2007 Energy efficiency of these homes = –Eliminating emissions of 60,000 vehicles –Saving 355,680,000 pounds of coal –Planting 97,000 acres of trees –Saving $54 million on utility bills 1-6
Green Home Remodeling in Weakening Markets 1-7 In weakening markets, many home owners motivated to remodel their homes green According to the 2008 McGraw-Hill Construction report, 44% are remodeling their homes with green products
Growth in Green Home Knowledge 1-8 Source: Reprinted with permission of McGraw-Hill Construction SmartMarket Report, The Green Home Consumer: Driving Demand for Green Homes,
Types of Green Home Buyers 1-9 Economizers Investors Health-Conscious Idealists Lifestyle-Focused Eco-Chic Skeptical/Unaware
Exercise 1-10 Review the features of a green home. Working in groups, identify green features to highlight for a particular type.
Counseling Buyers 1-11 Primary motivator in terms of decision to pursue green home or building? Ten features or factors most important? Lived or worked in green home or building before? Preferences in terms of proximity? Preferences in terms of other factors? Certain aesthetic you’d like to find?
Counseling Buyers 1-12 Knowledge base related to green homes and buildings? Interested in green certified home or building? How about performing green renovations or retrofits? Familiar with potential grants and incentives available? Price parameters?
The Source of the Source 1-13 Strategies for serving as source of the source: –Put the buyer in the driver’s seat –Connect buyer to scientific authority –Warn buyer not to take green claims from the homeowner granted –Manage expectations –See scripts in Figure 1.7