REP/ - page 1 - PWR Nuclear Reactor Core Design Power and Reactivity Elements on Reactor Kinetics and Residual Power G.B. Bruna FRAMATOME ANP
REP/ - page 2 - Foreword Neutron Balance Equation of a multiplying system at time t:
REP/ - page 3 - Foreword Steady State Conditions At any time t :
REP/ - page 4 - Foreword Steady State Conditions At any time t : The number of neutron in any generation equals the number of neutrons in the previous and following generation; The prompt-neutron lifetime equals exactly the generation-time.
REP/ - page 5 - Foreword Steady State Conditions At any time t, any explicit dependence on the variable time can be dropped out :
REP/ - page 6 - Foreword Steady State Conditions In steady state conditions, the neutron balance of the system changes Very slightly due to: Xenon oscillations, Fuel burn-out, With a time-constant which is quite long against observation-time.
REP/ - page 7 - Power and Reactivity Main Parameters in Reactor Core Design Power It is a physical observable which measures the energy released under different forms (kinetic energy of fission fragments, kinetic energy of fission neutrons, gamma) within the system by neutron fission, capture and slowing-down. Reactivity It is not a real physical observable because it measures the reset that is to be applied to the fission operator to restore criticality of a given multiplying system, generally not critical after any perturbation (change of the state Boltzmann operator).
REP/ - page 8 - Power and Reactivity Power Total Fiss Power Total Power Local Fiss Power
REP/ - page 9 - Power and Reactivity Power Power Peak Axial Offset
REP/ - page 10 - Power and Reactivity Reactivity
REP/ - page 11 - Power and Reactivity Control of Power Power distribution within the reactor core is not flat because of : Neutron gradient (leakage), Short-life fission-product poisoning, Burn-up and breeding effects, Reflector gain, Fuel and moderator temperature feed-back, Control rod effect; ...
REP/ - page 12 - Power and Reactivity Control of Power Power distribution can be controlled both At the design stage (assembly and core layout, burnable poisons, reflector, reloading strategy), In operation (mainly by control rods positioning); Several strategies of control rod management can be adopted (e.g., in French PWRs : A mode, G mode, X mode).
REP/ - page 13 - Power and Reactivity Control of Power Core design and operation : Typical MOX reloading strategy
REP/ - page 14 - Power and Reactivity Control of Power Core design and operation : X mode operating Control of AO Control of Temperature
REP/ - page 15 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity Reactivity of the core is sensitive to : Reactor life: Fuel burn-up, Breeding process, Fission-product and actinides build-up, Burnable poison burn-out, Short-lifetime fission-product poisoning, Power and temperature feed-back.
REP/ - page 16 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity Core reactivity is also sensitive to any external perturbation of Boltzmann operator : Soluble boron concentration change, Position of control banks, Power output, Any incident and/or reactivity accident.
REP/ - page 17 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity In normal operation, reactivity is to be kept constant (no measurable reactivity change); To guarantee respect of this condition, reactivity NEEDS (sources of reactivity changes and design margins) must be compensated exactly by reactivity AVAILABILITIES (worth of control devices).
REP/ - page 18 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Reactivity NEEDS (normal operation) : Respect of safety criteria, Respect of margins, Compensation of fuel burn-up and breeding, Compensation of burnable poison burn-out, Compensation of Xenon and Samarium build-up, Compensation of power and temperature effect.
REP/ - page 19 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Criteria and margins The main objective of a nuclear is producing a cheap energy in safest way; In order to achieve this goal, design and exploitation of the plant must : Guarantee respect of the safety criteria at any time, Maximize energy release from the fuel, according to a given exploitation strategy.
REP/ - page 20 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Criteria and margins In order to guarantee respect of the maximum allowed values (criteria), uncertainty is affected to design parameters; Uncertainty must account for: Computational precision (base-data, qualification,..), Technology of the fuel (fabrication tolerance, …), Measurement device precision, Alea (power tilt,...); Margins can also be enforced to account for future changes of loading strategies and new fuel features.
REP/ - page 21 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Fuel burn-up and breeding Fissile isotopes burn-out, Plutonium build-up, Minor Actinides build-up, Fission-Products build-up.
REP/ - page 22 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Burnable poison burn-out Burnable poisons contribute to : Compensate reactivity, Flatten core power; When they disappear : Fuel reactivity can increase, Power pick can appear.
REP/ - page 23 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Xenon and Samarium build-up Short-lifetime Fission Products as Xenon and Samarium build-up as a consequence of production of power, Any power change engenders a variation of their concentrations which affects the reactivity of the system, Local power variation engender spatial discontinuities in concentration which produce power tilt.
REP/ - page 24 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Power and temperature effect : Doppler broadening of wide epi-thermal resonances: Fissile isotopes do not contribute significantly to Doppler effect owing to compensation among capture and fission reaction-rates, Fertile isotopes (mainly U238 and Pu 240) have major contribution to the effect; Moderator effect : When moderator density varies, neutron spectrum either hardens-up or soften-down and reactivity changes; Soluble boron poisoning effect : When moderator density varies, amount of boron atoms per unit volume is modified.
REP/ - page 25 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Power and temperature effect : Doppler broadening Broadening of epi-thermal resonances of heavy isotopes (at first order, only even ones contribute), Very fast action (sensitive to temperature changes inside the pellet), About -3°pcm (1 pcm = 1 E-5) par degree Celsius.
REP/ - page 26 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Power and temperature effect : Moderator effect Variation of the water moderating power (neutron spectrum changes), Long term action (sensitive to the coolant temperature), Worth sensitive to isotopic composition of the fuel (stronger for MOX).
REP/ - page 27 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (NEEDS) Power and temperature effect: Moderator effect MOX UOX Reactivity Void rate 0 100
REP/ - page 28 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (AVAILABILITIES) Reactivity AVAILABILITIES (normal operation) : Soluble boron, Control and scram clusters : Black rods, Gray rods, Burnable poisons : Fixed, Extractable Extractable poisons.
REP/ - page 29 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (AVAILABILITIES) Soluble boron Soluble boron is mainly used to compensate the fuel burn-up, Power shape is quite insensitive to soluble boron poisoning the primary leg, Soluble boron worth is very sensitive to fuel nature (ranging from 10 pcm/ppm to 4 pcm/ppm and less), Concentration of boric acid in primary leg is limited by : Crystallization (clad rupture), Moderator density dependence of poisoning effect.
REP/ - page 30 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (AVAILABILITIES) Control and scram clusters Control clusters can be either homogeneous (AIC) or mixed (axially heterogeneous B4C - AIC), If needed, boron in boron carbide can be enriched in B10, The mixed clusters can be more effective then AIC ones, but they posses the inconvenient to bow-up under pressure of He gas produced by B10 neutron capture.
REP/ - page 31 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (AVAILABILITIES) Control and scram clusters Control clusters are used to Finely adjusting the primary leg output temperature, Controlling Xe oscillations, Maintaining AO inside the operating range; When inserted into the core control clusters cannot must respect a threshold to avoid prompt criticality in presence of a rod-ejection reactivity accident. They can (partially) contribute to scam.
REP/ - page 32 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (AVAILABILITIES) Burnable poisons Burnable poisons are used to : Compensate fuel burn-out, Contribute to power flattening; Burnable poisons can be : Introduced into guide tubes of some unclustered assemblies (Pyrex), Integrated to the fuel (Gadolinium Oxide) Thy engender a spectrum hardening,
REP/ - page 33 - Power and Reactivity Control of Reactivity (AVAILABILITIES) Extractable poisons Extractable poisons are introduced at beginning of cycle into guide tubes of assemblies not receiving control and safety clusters, Their position is not axially adjustable (they can be either OUT or IN), They engender a spectrum hardening, When they are dropped out, a spectral-shift is produced.
REP/ - page 34 - Reactor Kinetics Neutron Balance Equation of a multiplying system at time t[inhomogeneous equation]:
REP/ - page 35 - Reactor Kinetics Lifecycle inside a reactor system (recall) Production Neutrons Diffusion Slowing-down Capture Leakage
REP/ - page 36 - Reactor Kinetics Lifetime and generation-time (recall) During transients prompt-neutron lifetime differs from generation time.
REP/ - page 37 - Reactor Kinetics Lifetime and generation-time Typical values for L / L* Vacuum20 mm (L* ) PWR (UOX)25 s(L* same) PWR (UOX - MOX)10 s " PWR (MOX) 7 s " FBR (MOX) 5 s " Critical sphere (U) 6 ns " Critical sphere (Pu) 3 ns "
REP/ - page 38 - Reactor Kinetics Point Kinetics Heuristic approach Reactor is homogenized in space and collapsed to a space-point system (no explicit dependence of variables on space), Neutrons are collapsed in energy to one group (no explicit dependence of neutrons on energy), Simplified statistical approach: The number of neutron in the system is quite large, The behavior of the system is described by averaged values of reaction-rates.
REP/ - page 39 - Reactor Kinetics Point Kinetics Heuristic approach : Principle A quite simple demography problem where, every generation-time L, the neutron population is multiplied by a factor In a conventional PWR there are about 40 neutron generations per millisecond, i.e per second. Time Neutron population 0N0 LN0 * 2LN0 * * 3LN0 * * *
REP/ - page 40 - Reactor Kinetics Point Kinetics Heuristic approach : Application Keff = L= 25 s Neutron generation per second = 1/25E-6 = Time (s) Neutron population 0N0 1N0*E = N0*55 2N0*E = N0*2980 3 N0*E = N0* Simple but catastrophic scenario!
REP/ - page 41 - Reactor Kinetics Point Kinetics Heuristic approach : Application Keff = L= 25 s Neutron generation per millisecond = 1E-3/25E-6 = 40 Time (ms) Neutron population 0N0 1N0*E+40 = N0* 2N0*E+80 = N0* 3 N0*E+120 = N0* Simple but catastrophic scenario!
REP/ - page 42 - Reactor Kinetics Point Kinetics Heuristic approach : Sub-critical system with external source Gain amplifying factor Time Neutron population LS 2LS(1+ ) 3LS(1+ + *) 4L ………
REP/ - page 43 - Reactor Kinetics Delayed neutrons Stability of the nucleus : The Electromagnetic field inside nucleus : Effect on protons, The Nuclear Force field : Contribution of neutrons to nucleus stability, The Fission process : Compound activated nucleus, Production of fission fragments (Fission Products) Neutron emission.
REP/ - page 44 - Reactor Kinetics Delayed neutrons Delayed neutron fraction per fission (UOX fuel) : U % U % Pu % Delayed neutron emission time : Br87 -> Kr87 -> Kr86+n80.6 s I137 -> Xe137 > Xe136+n32.8 s
REP/ - page 45 - Reactor Kinetics Back to the Fission process Incident neutron Fission Delayed neutrons Prompt neutrons Bv (1-B)v Diffusion & slowing-down Delay >0.3 sec Delay>03 sec.
REP/ - page 46 - Reactor Kinetics Point Kinetics Thermal feed-back : Power and temperature effect (recall): Doppler broadening : Fissile isotopes do not contribute significantly to Doppler effect, Fertile isotopes (mainly U238 and Pu 240) have major contribution to the effect; Moderator effect : When moderator changes, neutron spectrum is affected; Soluble boron poisoning effect : When moderator density varies, amount of boron atoms per unit volume is modified.
REP/ - page 47 - Residual Power Time-dependence After shut-down, power does not go immediately to zero: The system undergoes a fast transient during which power decrease is driven by decay of residual neutron precursors (Fission Products) [kinetics], Afterwards, power goes-on decreasing very slowly [activity, residual power].
REP/ - page 48 - Residual Power Sources of activity Radioactive decay of: Fission Products (B+y), U239, Np239 and daughters (B+y), Minor Actinides (a), Other Activation Products (B+y), Spontaneous Fission, Induced neutron emission.
REP/ - page 49 - Residual Power Sources of activity In order to explain origin of different contributions to the activity, several items must analyzed : The fuel burn-up breeding process described by Heavy-Isotope Depletion Chain, The decay process of nuclei described in Base-Data Libraries.
REP/ - page 50 - Residual Power Sources of activity Activity is also due to the multiplication in sub-critical conditions of the inherent neutron source : Spontaneous Fission, Neutron emission by Oxygen 18 : Actinide decay produces a particles, Free neutrons are generated by stripping by a particles on O18.
REP/ - page 51 - Residual Power Computation In calculation, contributions to residual power are packed into three groups : Term A includes contribution from residual Neutron Source, Term B includes contribution from decay of U239, Np239 and daughters, Term C includes contribution from decay of : Fission Products and and Activation Products others than U239, Np239 and daughters, Minor Actinides.
REP/ - page 52 - Residual Power Computation Several solutions can be adopted to account for burn-up: Using fuel burn-up averaged values, Maximize burn-up of the fuel via infinite irradiation. Uncertainty Can be accounted for in different ways depending on computational procedure and / or data - library adopted.
REP/ - page 53 - Keyword Survey Neutron Balance Equation Steady state Conditions Power and Reactivity Power Reactivity Control of Power Control of Reactivity
REP/ - page 54 - Keyword Survey Reactivity NEEDS Criteria and Margins Fuel Burn-up and Breeding Burnable Poison Burn-out Xenon and Samarium Build-up Power and Temperature Effect Doppler Broadening Moderator Effect Reactivity AVAILABILITIES Soluble Boron Control and Safety Clusters Burnable Poisons Extractable Poisons
REP/ - page 55 - Keyword Survey Reactor Kinetics Neutron Balance Equation Lifecycle Lifetime and generation-time Point Kinetics Heuristic approach Application Delayed neutrons Point kinetics Heuristic approach, Thermal feed-back,
REP/ - page 56 - Keyword Survey Residual Power Time dependence Sources of activity Radioactive decay Actinide depletion Fission Products Sub-critical conditions Computation