Green Schools John Henry Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) USGBC Green School Advocate


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Presentation transcript:

Green Schools John Henry Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) USGBC Green School Advocate US Green Building Council NJ Chapter Green Schools Committee

Green School /grEn skül / n. a school building or facility that creates a healthy environment that is conducive to learning while saving energy, resources and money

The Human Built Environment

Currently, Sustainable Practices are an option, not a way of life

The Road to Copenhagen a Climate Change Initiative

1273 Wood- and coal-burning fires shroud English towns in smoke. Local regulations attempt to control the problem but fail. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are about 280 parts per million (ppm).

1750 Industrial Revolution begins in Manchester, England. Coal powers the mills.

1899 America's first environmental law is passed. The Rivers and Harbors Act makes it a misdemeanor to dump refuse into navigable waters without a permit.

1904 America's first solar-powered electrical plant is built in St. Louis by the Willsie Sun Power Company. Soon another plant is built, in the Mojave Desert at Needles, California. But within a few years Willsie is driven out of business by cheaper coal/gas facilities.

1937 The term "greenhouse effect" is coined by Glenn Thomas Trewartha, a professor whose obscure textbook on weather describes how water vapor, CO2 and other gases act like glass in a greenhouse.

1948 Smog chokes the small industrial town of Donora, Pennsylvania. In five days twenty people die, and 6,000 are sick or hospitalized. Air pollution becomes a national political issue.

1952 London smog, the product of a thermal inversion, kills 4,000 people in two weeks. Four years later, England's Clean Air Act becomes law.

1958 Atmospheric CO2 concentrations reach 315 ppm. In Hawaii, Dr. Charles Keeling begins the first continuous long- term study of atmospheric CO2 levels.

1963 First Clean Air Act in the US is passed into law. American smokestacks are subjected to pollution controls.

1970 First Earth Day, one of the largest demonstrations in US history, is held.

The National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act all become law. The Environmental Protection Agency is created.

1972 First UN conference on the environment is held. The United Nations Environment Program is created. It will be the framework for international cooperation on environmental issues.

1973 Arab oil embargo begins. Oil prices quadruple.

1978 Fuel-economy regulations are introduced in the United States for passenger vehicles. New cars must now get at least eighteen miles per gallon.

1979 Revolution in Iran sends oil prices surging, prompts "second oil crisis." Carter installs a solar-powered water heater on the White House roof

1981 Election of Ronald Reagan brings environmental backlash. Interior Secretary. Federal grants for solar energy are slashed. The solar water heater on the White House is junked. America's nascent alternative energy industry collapses.

The Alliance For NJ Environmental Education is Founded (ANJEE)

1985 Hole in the ozone layer is discovered over Antarctica Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 reach 350 ppm.

1988 Senator Al Gore holds hearings on climate change. NASA climate scientist James Hansen predicts rising sea levels and dangerous extreme weather by the end of the next century if fossil fuel consumption is not drastically reduced.

1988 UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is created

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) began its development founded and spearheaded by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) senior scientist Robert K. Watson

1997 Kyoto Protocol is negotiated. Industrialized countries agree to reduce their collective greenhouse gas emissions to 5.2 percent below 1990 levels by US Senate refuses to ratify Kyoto.

In 2000, US Green Building Council established the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system as a way to define and measure “Green Buildings.”

July, 2000 State of New Jersey Executive Order #24 Governor James E. McGreevey Designates that all new school design shall incorporate the guidelines developed by the US Green Building Council known as Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) to achieve maximum energy efficiency and environmental sustainability in the design of schools.

2001 President George W. Bush renounces the Kyoto Protocol as bad for the US economy. Other nations carry on without the United States and continue their ratifications of the treaty.

2005 Kyoto treaty comes into effect and is eventually ratified by all major industrial nations except the United States. Work to reduce emissions accelerates in Japan, Western Europe and even among some US state and local governments.

2007 Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

2007 International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates cost of stabilizing greenhouse gases at $1.8 trillion.

Green Buildings could be considered Economic Stimulus

The process of greening a school building can be considered the ultimate teaching and learning lab

the US Green Building Council - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Schools is created) 2007 Green Schools Advocacy Campaign begins

LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development water savings energy efficiency materials selection indoor environmental quality

LEED for Schools is… A nationally recognized benchmark for building and maintaining green schools that recognizes the unique nature of K-12 environments

In school terms, LEED is like a report card for buildings, demonstrating to the community that a facility is built and/or operated in a way that supports the health and wellbeing of occupants and saves energy, resources, and money

Provides comprehensive tools for schools that wish to build green or transition an existing building with measurable results LEED for Schools…

In order to achieve the vision of “green schools for every child within a generation,” we must not only build new schools that are green, we have to transform our Existing Schools. The Transition is about Leadership

Making the Case For Green Schools Be the Advocate… if not you who - if not now when

Why are Green Schools Important?

Why is it important? Healthier Schools at Lower Cost

Connecting Sustainability and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Rising Above the Gathering Storm Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future Committee on Prospering in the Global Economy of the 21st Century: An Agenda for American Science and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine

FINDINGS Having reviewed trends in the United States and abroad, the committee is deeply concerned that the scientific and technological building blocks critical to our economic leadership are eroding at a time when many other nations are gathering strength.

Sustainability Fuels STEM We designed and engineered our way into these problems, we can design and engineer our way out

Our challenge and opportunity for greening our schools and obtaining a sustainable future can be viewed as the 21 st Century Sputnik

Planting green jobs Businesses, ventures and proposals that could help satisfy new renewable energy requirements The Role of the Government in Advancing the Green Economy The Best Way To Create 'Green' Jobs "Going Green" is no longer just a slogan for many global companies, it's becoming a strategic imperative Legislation on Green Jobs The Vital Role of COMMUNITY COLLEGES in Building a Sustainable Future and GREEN WORKFORCE Energy Master Plan and Jobs Clean Energy Sales Biofuel Jobs Solar Jobs K-12 Education- The pipeline to Green Job Green Engineering for our Future

Green jobs involve environmentally friendly products and services or businesses and organizations that concern themselves with improving the environment. NJ BPU Green Jobs Defined

What is Sustainability? Understanding Sustainability … A Prerequisite for any Green Career

What is Sustainability? In July 2009, NJ was selected by the US Department of Education to participate along with four other states in a Technical Assistance Academy to develop a “Green” Program of Study for career and technical education. The New Jersey Council of County Vocational-Technical Schools (NJCCVTS) and the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)

What is Sustainability? Solar Energy and other renewable Energy Sources Conservation Generation Career and Technical Education Pathways Retraining Programs

How Do You Transform Your School?

Create the Pathway Unique to Your School Strategic Planning

Random Acts of Improvement in Isolation

“Better” Random Improvement- with local community collaboration

9/20/2015 Intentional and Strategic Improvements with regional collaboration

The Systems of the School Building as a Framework for Teaching and Learning


Know What Resources are Available Local, State, National


In 2008 the USGBC-NJ Chapter established the Green Schools Committee - a unique combination of Green Building Industry Professionals, Environmental Educators, and Government Agencies

Robert Gillman, editor of the In Context Magazine, extends this goal oriented definition by stating "sustainability refers to a very old and simple concept (The Golden Rule) onto future generations as you would have them do onto you.

William McDonough

Thank You John Henry