*Green City “Briefing” presentation to the City Council Summer 2008 GCGC GCGC * Project Location is confidential.
Purpose Define “Green City” Project Identify benefits Review current initiatives Recommend LEED program for Green City Major elements in our GC design What is Green City? GCGC GCGC
What is a “Green City”? A master planned city that utilizes Green Best Practices (GBP) to significantly reduce operational & maintenance costs, while drastically reducing the negative impact made by its buildings and infrastructure on the environment and occupants in five broad areas: GCGC GCGC
What is a “Green City”? (cont.) Energy efficiency and renewable energy Sustainable site planning Safeguarding water and water efficiency Conservation of materials and resources Indoor environmental air quality GCGC GCGC
Why “GC” is important? Buildings in the U.S.A.* Use two-thirds of electricity Use 40% of total energy Emit 40% of greenhouse gas emissions Contribute annually 136 million tons of construction and demolition waste (approx. 2.8 lbs/person/day) Use one-eighth of potable water Buildings on a Global scale* Use 40% (3 billion tons annually) of the planet’s raw materials * Commercial and residential Source: U.S. Green Building Council Energy efficiency and renewable energy GCGC GCGC
General Benefits of GC Economic Benefits Improve bottom line costs, specifically related to building operations and maintenance. Environmental Benefits Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption by… Reducing energy and water consumption Protecting air and water quality Reducing and recycling waste GCGC GCGC
More Benefits of GC Health and Safety Benefits Enhance occupant comfort and health through improved air quality. Facts*: Average American spends more than 90% of their time indoors. EPA reports indoor air quality can be 2-5 times worse than outdoor air quality. GCGC GCGC * Source U.S. Green Building Council
More Benefits of GC Community Benefits Minimize strain on local infrastructures by reducing demand on: Landfills (construction debris & community trash) Water supply Storm water sewers Transportation system development and maintenance GCGC GCGC
Project Development Benefits Optimize building’s life-cycle costs Over the life of a building, integrated green best practices can result in long-term savings considering design, construction, and operating costs Integrated GBP permits high benefit by achieving synergies between disciplines and technologies to achieve cost reductions GCGC GCGC
Leading “Green” Initiatives Energy Star EPA initiative Goal is to reduce energy consumption *LEED™ Non-for-profit initiative Goal is to promote integrated design, development, and construction to reduce environmental impact of buildings and development * Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design GCGC GCGC
Energy Star Energy Star is a symbol of energy efficiency The Energy Star label is obtained by benchmarking the energy consumption of an existing building against similar buildings nationwide On average, most buildings will qualify when reducing energy usage by 30-35%, through implementing economically justified upgrades The program is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency
LEED™ LEED™ stands for: Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design A leading-edge system for designing, constructing, and certifying the world’s greenest buildings Provides an easy to follow road map to meet reduced operational & maintenance goals Is emerging as the leading standard for sustainable design
LEED™ (continue) LEED™… LEED ™ certifications are awarded to buildings that meet established sustainable design criteria Sponsored by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) USGBC is a non-profit consensus coalition to promote development and implementation of green building policies, programs, technologies, and design practices USGBC developed the LEED ™ program in conjunction with construction industry
Overview of LEED tm LEED tm… Green building rating system, currently includes commercial, institutional, and high- rise residential new construction and major renovation. Guides the collaborative, whole-building approach to an integrated design and construction process through a series of benchmarks and design guides. There are Four levels of certification: LEED tm Certified points Silver Level points Gold Level points Platinum Level 52+ points (69 possible)
Major elements in our GC design The scope of Green City’s design Includes commercial and high-rise residential new construction Guides the collaborative, whole-building approach to an integrated design and construction process through a series of benchmarks and design guides The goal is to achieve a Platinum Level LEED ™ Certification and become a world wide show case GCGC GCGC
What is “Green City” ? Resembles Bal Harbor at Miami Beach and includes… An upscale Shopping Center A Convention Center & Hotel Ten interconnected Condominiums towers A Time Share Hotel A Marina Land, Air and Water access and other extraordinary amenities… GCGC GCGC