Technology for Special needs in the classroom By Laura Barlow & Isabella Arambula CSE 180
Introduction *Why technology for special needs? *Discuss disabilities *Highlight the need for adaptive technology *Description of devises to assist students *How these devises help teachers
Disabilities * Students with learning /emotional disabilities *Students with communication disorders *Students with hearing and visual impairments *Students with severe physical disabilities
Adaptive Technology?? *Assists the students learning *Assists the teacher *Gives non-disabled students time with teacher *Keeps inclusion
Devices for learning/emotional disabilities * Word Processing *Word prediction software *Communication and networking technology *Hyperlinks and multimedia environments
Communication Disorders *Augmentative devises (AAC system) *Alternative devises (AAC system)
Hearing Disabilities *ALD (Assistive listening devise) *TDD (Telecommunications devise for the deaf) *Hearing aids *Cochlear implants
Visual disabilities *DVS (Descriptive video services) *Computer screen magnification *Braille *Text to speech technologies *OCR (optical character recognition) *CCTV (closed circuit television magnification)
Physical Disabilities *Switches *Basic adaptive keyboards *Touch-sensative screens *Infrared sensors with pneumatic switches *Voice recognition
Websites * talog/ hthttp:// talog/ ht (multimedia(multimedia environments) * p?id=8(Computer * p?id=8(Computer screen magnification) * Word predication software)
Conclusion *Assistive technology is a great benefit to: Students Teacher Families Citation