What does it mean? Multiplication means that you have a certain number of groups of the same size. How can you express the same quantity using numbers?
Now, identify its parts: 3 X 2 : 6 Factors : Product (Multiplier and multiplicand) : Product How do you read it? 3 X 2 : 6 Three times two equals six
Practice a)Complete b)Identify the parts of the multiplication c)Write each operation. 4X3: _____. 5x6: ______. 7x1: ______. 9x3: ______. 8x5: ______.
How did you solve the previous multiplications? -Did you use images? -Did you use time tables? -Did you addition? -Did you use your fingers to count ?
There are different ways to solve a multiplication 1.Repeated Addition: The basic idea of multiplication is repeated addition. For example: 5 × 3 = 15 or = 15
What is it? It is when you add the same number again and again in order to find the answer to a multiplication. Example: Here we have five groups, and each group has two elephants. 5 × 2 = 10 how many groups? how many in each group? We can solve it by adding: 5×2 = = 10 Fivetimes two elephants is ten elephants. Remember that you need to use the same numbers of the operation.
Now, solve the following exercises using repeated addition. a.9x8: b.6x7: c.12x4: d.6x4: e.7x9:
Now, solve the guide.