Whistler 2020 Monitoring Program CSIN February16, 2006
Outline 1.Whistler Background and Purpose 3.W2020 Monitoring Program 4.W2020 Monitoring Process 5.Data Collection
Whistler 2020 –Community-wide, comprehensive long-term sustainability plan 2020 –2005 2020 2060 Vision of WHAT Whistler would like to be Strategies for HOW to get there –Highest level policy, amends OCP –TNS framework at all levels, planning and defining sustainability
W2020 is comprehensive 11
W2020 uses a systems thinking approach, and science–based sustainability framework 22
W2020 is community- based in its development, and in its implementation 33
W2020 is results-based and action oriented 44
Monitoring Background Resort community monitoring program initiated in 1993, in context of CDP Provides information to staff, residents, partners, business, and researchers among others Whistler 2020 approved by Council in December 2004 (Volume 1) and August 2005 (Volume 2) Alignment with Whistler 2020 deemed essential by Council, staff and partners
Purpose The Whistler 2020 Monitoring Program is important to: Assess ongoing progress toward the Vision and Strategy Descriptions of Success Inform task force planning and continuous improvement Support broader decision-making Ensure transparency and accountability to the community Educate and engage stakeholders
What is the Whistler 2020 Monitoring Program? A process of monitoring, analyzing and reporting information to key stakeholders Monitoring of `~25 core, ~72 strategy and ~30 contextual indicators Analysis of indicator data and trends Reporting of indicator trends and high-level analysis
Monitoring Program 2. Collect Information 1. Select indicators 3. Analyze information, prepare for task forces 7. Communicate Report to community and stakeholders 5. Prepare Monitoring Report(s) 4. Review with task force 6. Audit Report (Potentially in the Future) Whistler 2020 Monitoring Process
DATA COLLECTION Where currently not available, baselines established (2005 and 2004 data) Use existing data sources ~30 and collection systems Currently, limited social and economic monitoring
DATA COLLECTION New Data Sources Community Survey (2006) Demographics, behaviour, and attitudes Community Affordability Study (2006) Affordability indicators and information, capacity for future monitoring
Gaps and Challenges Misrepresentation in per capita measures as Tourist factor & fluctuating population levels Economic Indicators, Community Financial Health Indicators Upstream consumption information, growing/manufacturing methods, persistent/non-renewable materials Target setting for Core Indicators Analysis Process –“why did that change?”
Thank you. The Whistler 2020 Team
Core Indicators At quick glance, how is Whistler doing? High level, measure progress toward Vision/Priorities and Sustainability Objectives Primarily made up of key strategy indicators, or indexes ~ 25 in total, proposed in October 2005 Targets set in 2006, ongoing learning E.g. Median Income, Local Workforce, Greenhouse gases
Strategy Indicators Within each strategy area, how is Whistler doing? Progress toward Descriptions of Success 6 indicators per strategy for 2005 (~72 in total) Integrated across 16 strategies, support Priorities and Sustainability Objectives Proposed set completed August 2005, ongoing learning E.g. Local work force, Energy used
Context Indicators What else is important to know about Whistler? Provide additional context for decision-making Includes: community profile information, demographics, visitor profiles, bed unit inventory, commercial space ~30 in total From existing monitoring program E.g. Age Distribution, Visitor Profile, Student Population, Accommodation Inventory
Core & Strategy Indicator Development Steps 1.Assess Priorities/Directions, Sustainability Objectives and Descriptions of Success 2.Review external and existing Whistler indicators (e.g. municipal, provincial, federal and international) 3.Develop draft set of Strategy Indicators 4.Gather feedback from Task Forces (x2) 5.Develop draft set of Core Indicators 6.Gather feedback from stakeholders and partners 7.Solicit input from experts 8.Finalize indicators with Whistler 2020 Team
REPORTING Primary: website that communicates monitored data and Whistler 2020 story Linked to data management tools for accurate and seamless updating Other: a combination of print material, open houses, public art, Council reports, newspaper articles, presentations to special interest groups
Credit 360
What is Whistler 2020? CORE Indicators Supporting Strategies Strategy Actions Priorities Directions & associated Directions Enriching Community Life Enhancing the Resort Experience Protecting the Environment Ensuring Economic Success Partnering for Success PAN Strategy TEM Mapping Green Building Plan Species Inventory