Allows individuals with disabilities to improve and maximize their functional capabilities. Allows individuals with disabilities and the IEP team to select the appropriate device needed. Allows individuals with disabilities to receive the same benefits and services as their non- disable peers. Requires teachers to attend professional development trainings on assistive technology.
Laws for Individuals with Disabilities In 1990 the IDEA was enacted as a federal law to protect the rights of students with disabilities. The IDEA revised the law in 1997,that required the IEP team to provide assistive technology for students that qualify. In 2004, the IDEA law reemphasized the significance of students with disabilities meeting their academic goals.
The FM Listening System is a device used for individuals who have a hearing impairment. Students that have a hearing impairment tend to wear hearing aids; however, the sound is often loud, muzzled or echoed. This device has a receiver that is placed in the hearing aid to help optimize the quality of sound. In fact, the teacher wears a transmitter with an attached microphone so the sound is loud a clear. The time has arrived that students no longer have to read the lips of their instructors because of the effectiveness of listening devices.
The braille keyboard is a device used for individuals that are visually impaired. This device allows individuals that are blind to communicate with their friends. The braille keyboard converts the input into standard words. Therefore, they are able to text and send messages. Computers have attached speakers; in fact, messaging software allows the users to listen to the responses of others through voice activated system. Communication for blind people have submerged in the 21 st century.
The portable reading pen is a device used for individuals that are struggling with reading. This device enhances reading, spelling, vocabulary, and pronunciation for students in grades K-6. If a student comes across a word that is unfamiliar, he/she will scan the pen across the word and the voice activated system will say the word. Most teachers use reading pens during small group reading.
Individuals that are physically disable can enjoy the pleasure of communicating with others and playing games because of the never forgotten joystick. Most people associate the joystick to the wheelchair of a handicap person. However, for those individuals who have limited use of body movement can manipulate the joystick with their hand, chin, feet or even mouth. The joystick serves as a computer mouse. There are various types of joysticks some are wireless, colorful, and others may vibrate. Communication is made simple for the disable because of the joystick.
Reference Page Dyal, Allen; Carpenter, Laura Bowden; Wright, James V. Assistive Technology: What every school leader should know. Education, v129 n3 p Spr Roblyer, M.D. & Doering,A. (2013). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching 6 th edition. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall. PCI Education (nd). Assistive technology: Reading Pens for Special Education. Retrieved from California Ear Institute (2013). Hearing Device Center: Classroom Assistive Listening Devices. Retrieved from center-listening-device-classroom-bay-area.phphttp:// center-listening-device-classroom-bay-area.php Wrightslaw (nd). Assistve Technology Devices and Services. Retrieved from National Resources Center on AD/HD (nd). Educational Issues: IDEA. Retrieved from