Are new care technologies shaping home and/or work? MEDUSE Utrecht, September 2007 Jan Thie Vilans
new care technologies at home setting the scene
new care technologies for: consumers patients carers healthcare professionals
new care technologies for: consumers patients carers healthcare professionals
benefits for patient, carers, consumers early discharge self-management self-care less visits to healthcare professionals safety wellbeing social participation (e-inclusion) convenience
benefits for healthcare professionals > efficiency > efficacy < administrative burden > quality of care > attractiveness
need and demand for caresupply of care care technologies > efficiency of care > physical burden > attractiveness > self-care > informal- care
Are new care technologies shaping home?
new care technologies assistive technology nursing equipment medical appliances healthcare ICT’s –home automation (domotica) –ambient intelligence/ sensoring technology –personal alarm –telemonitoring –information systems –video-communication
health care ICT’s + integration of applications for care and wellbeing + video-communication with family and friends + video-communication with like patients + ‘window on the world’ + ‘fun’
Are new care technologies shaping work?
new care technologies access to information anytime, anywhere –EHR –protocols, procedures –background communication (healthcare professionals, patients, carers) GPS record managerial data
example: chronic disease (self)management
changing roles consumer patient carer healthcare professional
changing roles: district nurse patient's guide and coach shift in responsibilities: from physician (clinician) to nurse new chances and challenges for: –physician assistant –nurse specialist –control centre staff
when will technology work?
most important: people who use the technology people shouldn’t adapt to technology; technology should adapt to the users it’s not technology as such but what you can do with technology (service delivery) one technology and infrastructure for multiple applications incorporate in health and rehabilitation programs and standards ICT, but let’s not forget ‘lower’ technology care, but let’s not forget everyday applications (integration of applications for care and wellbeing)
Piet Mondriaan
new care technologies: reshaping (home) care
future home care?
future home care!