Institute for Building Efficiency | 1 Copyright 2011 Johnson Controls, Inc. 1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY INDICATOR 2011 Survey results for SAFMA
Institute for Building Efficiency | 2 THE ENERGY EFFICIENCY INDICATOR SURVEY Global survey reaches nearly 4,000 in its 5 th year RegionRespondents Americas1,820 Europe, ME and Africa972 Asia Pacific1,076 Global Total3,868 The Energy Efficiency Indicator looks into the minds of decision-makers for facilities all over the world. Executives, operators and managers report on energy practices, priorities, drivers and barriers. In 2011, the survey was administered in 8 languages on 6 continents 24 industry segments C-level, VP’s, energy managers, facility directors, real estate professionals 32 partner organizations around the world distributed the survey to their members Full results available at Respondents by world region
Institute for Building Efficiency | 3 ENERGY IMPORTANT IN ALL INDUSTRIES Strongest in energy-intensive and consumer-facing segments Energy management is extremely important to my organization.
Institute for Building Efficiency | 4 GREEN BUILDINGS ON THE RISE All sectors looking at existing and new facilities. My organization will pursue green building certification in the next 12 months.
Institute for Building Efficiency | 5 SOUTH AFRICA FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION respondents 54 Location Job Title Portfolio Size 1.Must have budget responsibility for their organization’s facilities. 2.Job responsibilities must include reviewing or monitoring energy usage, and/or proposing or approving initiatives to make organization’s facilities more efficient.
Institute for Building Efficiency | 6 HOW IMPORTANT IS ENERGY TO SAFMA MEMBERS? By the numbers… report that energy is “extremely important” or “very important” are paying more attention to energy than a year ago report that energy management is “extremely important” or “very important” have a green certified buildinghave an energy reduction goal report that energy management is “extremely important” or “very important” have taken actions to reduce energy use in the past year have invested in energy projects 87% 91% 100 % 31% 70% 81%
Institute for Building Efficiency | Drivers of efficiency SAFMAGlobal Average Energy cost savings Greenhouse gas footprint reduction Enhanced brand or public image Customer attraction/retention Investor reporting demands Attracting, retaining employees Attracting tenants, rent premiums Increasing energy security 7 WHAT IS DRIVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY? Cost, incentives, public image top the list How significant are the following in your organization's energy efficiency decisions? Average change in energy prices expected by SAFMA members +64%
Institute for Building Efficiency | 8 ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN ACTION Which measures are SAFMA members adopting? Which of the following energy efficiency measures has your company/organization adopted in the last 12 months?
Institute for Building Efficiency | 9 WIDE RANGE OF PROJECTS PURSUED Top 7 measures (out of a total 52 possible) 85% 56% 52% 46% 44% 37% 35% Switched to energy efficient bulbs, lamps, ballasts, or fixtures Installed occupancy- or photo- sensors for lights Adjusted HVAC control setpoints or schedules Installed or adjusted time clocks for lights Increased awareness of facility occupants to reduce energy use Implemented system or service to validate utility bills Educated facilities operations staff to reduce energy use
Institute for Building Efficiency | 10 TECHNOLOGY EXPECTATIONS -10 YEAR HORIZON Where do SAFMA members expect to see growth? Which of the following on-site technologies do you expect to have the greatest increase in market adoption over the next ten years? (select up to three)
Institute for Building Efficiency | 11 BARRIERS TO EFFICIENCY Technical, organizational, and financial challenges What is the top barrier to pursuing energy efficiency at your company/organization?
Institute for Building Efficiency | 12 SUCCESS FACTORS How are SAFMA members doing in 4 key areas? Analysis of nearly 4,000 responses revealed four factors that correlate with more energy efficiency, clean energy and smart building actions: 1. Setting a reduction goal 2. Analyzing energy data frequently 3. Adding internal or external resources 4. Using external financing Percentage of respondents: 74% 59% 59% 35% SAFMA Global 76% 58% 54% 58% Full results available at