T HIS IS YOUR STUDENT HANDBOOK You need to know what it says. Give it to your parents/legal guardians to read. St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) 1
S CHOOLS HELP YOU LEARN … 2 When you are at school, the school acts in place of your parent. Your teacher, principal, and other school personnel are here to help you learn and develop good personal habits.
A PICTURE ID IS REQUIRED Your parents/legal guardians have to show a PICTURE ID when checking you out of school. This is for your protection. 3
COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE All children between ages 5 and 16 are required to attend school. You are expected to be at school for the whole school day and on time. Attend school every day to get ready for the next grade. 4
LAWFUL AND UNLAWFUL ABSENCES If you are sick, your absence is lawful. Sleeping late and not coming to school, your absence is unlawful. Taking vacations during school, your absence is unlawful. Remember your parents/legal guardians needs to notify the school when you are absent. Your parents/legal guardians can write a note, send an , or call the school. If your parents/legal guardians have questions, have him/ her check with your teacher, school counselor, or the school secretary. 5
MAKE-UP WORK If you miss school, you need to ask your teacher for make-up work. 6
7 BE ON TIME TO SCHOOL Be on time to school. This is called being punctual. This is an important habit. It will help you be successful - like get a good job and keep friends.
NEED MEDICINE IN SCHOOL? Your doctor has to sign a school form and the school nurse will talk with you and your parents/legal guardians about taking medication at school. Do not bring any medicine to school. Only your parents/legal guardians can bring it to the school nurse. 8
S TUDENTS SEEKING HELP DO YOU NEED HELP? Talk to your school counselor. School counselors talk to kids about school, learning, feeling sad or mad, bullying, and being afraid. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? If you are in a situation that you know you need help with, seek help from a teacher, school counselor, school nurse, assistant principal, or principal. 9
DRESSING FOR SCHOOL Know the STUDENT DRESS CODE School is a place for learning. Dress comfortably and neatly. Make a good impression and feel good about yourself! 10
SMILE Your bus may have devices on it that record your words or take pictures of your actions. Stay in your seat and talk quietly. Your school building may also have security cameras. Obey all school rules! 11
NEWSPAPERS * TV * INTERNET * DISPLAYS Sometimes your picture or a display of your work will be used for public information or by the media. If you do NOT want your picture or your school work to be shared with others in the public, your parents/legal guardians must sign the “form” USE OF STUDENT IMAGES AND LIKENESSES IN PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAMS to say NO. Otherwise, your picture, name and/or school work could b e on display. 12
SCHOOLS ARE DRUG-FREE ZONES 13 No drugs are allowed on school property. Let your teacher/school counselor know if you think there are drugs in your school. Keep your school safe and drug free.
B ULLYING /H ARASSMENT Don’t let people “harass” you. Sometimes this is called bullying. If someone bothers you and does not stop, let your teacher or school counselor and parents/ legal guardians know. Your parents/legal guardians may want to talk with someone at school, too. Ask for the Bullying Reporting Form. 14
NO WEAPONS AT SCHOOL Schools need to be safe places. Let a teacher or school counselor know if there is a weapon or something dangerous at school RIGHT AWAY. On the bus…let the bus driver know RIGHT AWAY. Let your parents/legal guardians know if you feel unsafe at school or any place. 15
W EAPONS A weapon is anything that could be used to hurt someone, like…a knife, gun, firecracker, or razor. Leave toy and play guns and weapons at home! 16
TOBACCO-FREE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT Be healthy - stay away from cigarettes. This also means that NO ONE is allowed to smoke on school grounds. This includes teachers, parents/ legal guardians, and other visitors. 17
Tell any adult at school right away! If you are on the bus give it to the bus driver right away. 18 OOPS I brought something to school that I should not have…
E NJOY S CHOOL C OMPUTERS Your parents/legal guardians must sign a form to give permission for you to use the internet at school. Follow directions and work carefully. Keep your computer labs neat and clean. Your teacher will monitor your computer activity. 19
Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 21
OUCH THAT HURTS! BULLYING (lack of respect toward others) Targeting a peer and making threatening, repetitive actions that result in the victim feeling powerless. BUS MISBEHAVIOR (irresponsibility) Standing, distracting the driver, running on the bus, eating on the bus…. endangering the safety of others. 22
O UCH ! A GAIN … DISRESPECT (lack of respect) Inappropriate comments or physical gestures to teachers or staff members or others. FIGHTING (lack of caring) A physical confrontation involving two (2) or more students. 23
FIGHTS CAN BE AVOIDED Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Go get help from an adult RIGHT AWAY. If you see someone fighting, get help RIGHT AWAY. STOP BULLYING – STAND UP for yourself by talking with your teacher, school counselor, and parents/legal guardians. 24
THINK BEFORE YOU ACT Some behaviors could result in suspension or expulsion from school. DO NOT BRING TO SCHOOL Alcohol Drugs Guns Knives Or things that may look dangerous or illegal. Be kind - Do not hurt or threaten anyone. SCHOOL SHOULD BE A SAFE PLACE for everyone. 25
READ YOUR HANDBOOK… You are accountable for knowing everything in it. 26