A to Z on Funding Programmes - EU & Council of Europe
True or False? The Council of Europe and the European Union are one and the same thing…
True or False? The Council of Europe and the European Union are one and the same thing… False... Some differences: EU – 27 Member States, CoE – 48 M.S. EU – Focus on economic union, CoE - …on human rights, democracy, etc EU – Can issue sanctions, CoE -...can’t EU – est. 1958, CoE – est. 1949
True or False? Both the European Union and the Council of Europe give money for youth…
True or False? Both the European Union and the Council of Europe give money for youth projects… True... The Youth in Action Programme European Youth Foundation SFYM – Solidarity Fund for Youth Mobility
True or False? The Youth in Action Programme is a programme funded by the European Commission for young people ONLY who are aged between 13 and 30.
True or False? The Youth in Action Programme is a programme funded by the European Commission for young people ONLY who are aged between 13 and 30. False... One particular action (4.3) of the YiA Programme has no age limit… and is targeted towards youth workers, youth leaders, and those who work in the field of youth…
True or False? The Youth in Action Programme is a programme funded by the European Commission for young people ONLY who are aged between 13 and 30. False... One particular action (4.3) of the YiA Programme has no age limit… and is targeted towards youth workers, youth leaders, and those who work in the field of youth…
True or False? There are 5 deadlines every year to submit applications under the YiA Programme
True or False? There are 5 deadlines every year to submit applications under the YiA Programme True... these are: 1 st February : 1 May and 30 September 1 st April : 1 July and 30 November 1 st June : 1 September and 31 January 1 st September : 1 December and 30 April 1 st November : 1 February and 31 July
True or False? Only countries which are in the European Union can take part in the YiA Programme
True or False? Only countries which are in the European Union can take part in the YiA Programme False... YiA is open to: Programme Countries: EU Member States, Candidates for accession (Turkey and soon Croatia and Macedonia), EFTA Countries (Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland) Neighbouring Partner Countries of the EU: South East Europe, Mediterranean Partner Countries, Eastern Europe & Caucasus ‘Other Partner Countries of the World’
True or False? The Youth in Action Programme is divided into 5 Actions most of which have respective sub- actions
True or False? The Youth in Action Programme is divided into 5 Actions most of which have respective sub-actions True... Action 1 – Youth for Europe :: 1.1 – Youth Exchanges, Youth Initiatives, 1.3 – Youth Democracy Projects Action 2 – European Voluntary Service Action 3 – Youth in the World :: 3.1 – Cooperation with Neighbouring Countries of the EU, 3.2 – Cooperation with Other Countries of the World Action 4 – Youth Support Systems :: 4.3 – Training and Networking of those active in youth work and youth organizations [4.1, 4.2, Centralised] Action 5 – Support for European cooperation in the Youth Field :: 5.1 – Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy [5.2, 5.3 Centralised]
True or False? Through certain actions of the YiA Programme one can get a certificate
True or False? Participants of certain actions of the YiA Programme can get a certificate True... For participating in Action 1.1, Action 2, and Action 4.3 (Training Course), one can get a YouthPass certificate…
True or False? The YiA Programme has no priorities to follow… you just apply for whatever topic you want money for and it is always in line…
True or False? The YiA Programme has no priorities to follow… you just apply for whatever topic you want money for and it is always in line… False... Permanent Priorities: European Citizenship, Participation of young people, Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, Cultural Diversity For 2010 the priorties are: European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion Youth unemployment and promotion of young unemployed people's active participation in society Awareness-raising and mobilisation of young people around global challenges (such as sustainable development, climate change, migration, the Millenium Development Goals) National Priorities: Ask your NA!
True or False? The European Youth Foundation has more money than the Youth in Action Programme…
True or False? The European Youth Foundation has more money than the YiA Programme False... Much smaller than Youth in Action Programme Since start until now beneficiaries, this is half of the Youth in Action programme in 6 years Good to know: EYF has always run more or less the same programmes since 1972
True or False? The YiA and the EYF have different aims…
True or False? The YiA and the EYF have different aims… True... The Aims and Priorities of the EYF are: Aims: Encourage co-operation among young people in Europe Promotion of peace, understanding and co- operation Priorities: Human rights; Youth participation & citizenship; Social cohesion & inclusion; Youth policy development
True or False? There are 5 deadlines every year to submit applications under the European Youth Foundation
True or False? There are 5 deadlines every year to submit applications under the YiA Programme False... These are: 1 st April : Projects starting 1 st January – 30 th June 1 st October : 1 st July – 31 st December Ad hoc…
True or False? The European Youth Foundation’s Grants are divided into 5 Actions most of which have respective sub-actions
True or False? The EYF’s grants are divided into 5 Actions most of which have respective sub-actions False... Grant A - International Youth meetings Grant B - Youth activities other than meetings Grant C- Administration of International Non-Governmental Youth Organizations and Networks Grant D (HRE) - Pilot projects
A to Z on Funding Programmes - Things to Keep in Mind
Application procedure Idea & partnership Application form Submit to National Agency (NA) Evaluation and selection NA Decision Contract Implementation project Final evaluation Dissemination & explotation of results
Things to keep in mind Keep in mind priorities of funder “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” Partnership ??? Don’t make technical mistakes Programme guides Technicalities Respect deadlines Quality projects Realism Balance Identity
Other Possibilities Other subventions from EU depending on project Europe for citizens EIDHR ... Foundations European Mobility fund International youth foundation ... In-kind contributions Sponsorship