ECCAR 2011 general conference in Ghent Working group5: young people in cooperation with ECCAR
Introduction to the ECCAR Youth Council and the Local Youth Councils The ECCAR Youth Council will be a formal body within the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism, functioning as a medium for the youth to engage in discourse concerning all forms of racial discrimination and their elimination at the city level. The Local Youth Councils will consist of a network of local initiatives in the ECCAR member cities dedicated to combating all forms of racial discrimination at the city level.
ECCAR Youth Council What are our aims? To be accepted as a formal body within the ECCAR. To be religiously and politically unaffiliated. To introduce and implement the “ECCAR Youth Council Four-Point-Plan of Action.” Who can become a member of the ECCAR Youth Council? Youngsters ages who are elected to represent their local youth councils. The electives will consist of two youngsters, each representing one of the 104 member cities coming from 22 European countries.
Why should the ECCAR Youth Council exist? -So that the youth can learn to improve their work in a democratic environment. -So that the youth can experience working in an internationally diverse group of people. -So that an international network between the youth can be created. -So that the youth can be given the opportunity to implement social change. -So that the youth can spread the word against racial discrimination locally as well as globally. What does ECCAR expect from the ECCAR Youth Council? -To act as advisers to the ECCAR Steering Committee. -To prepare and direct the ECCAR General Conference youth working group. -To act as local ambassadors for the ECCAR.
FOUR-POINT-PLAN OF ACTION FOUR-POINT-PLAN OF ACTION What is racism? Racial discrimination is defined by the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination as “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life”. As such, racial discrimination is banned by the international community as a serious human rights violation. Racism plays a major role in the social processes that give rise to and entrench such racial discrimination.
FOUR-POINT-PLAN OF ACTION: Youth commitments for fighting racism in cities Youth Commitment Nr. 1 – Greater Vigilance Against Racism To set up a monitoring, vigilance and solidarity network against racism at the city level. Examples of youth action -To establish a mechanism for consultation within schools (pre-schools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, Universities) for social actors, mostly youth, who are facing situations of racism and/or discrimination. -To set up, in collaboration with schools, youth councils, youth NGOs and sports clubs, a monitoring and rapid response system to identify racist acts and hate crime/speeches and bring them to the attention of competent authorities. -To put racism and discrimination on the agenda of the various consultation mechanisms in schools within the city or municipality.
Youth Commitment Nr. 2 – Better Support for the Victims of Racism, Discrimination To support young individuals and contribute to strenghtening their capacity to defend themselves against racism and discrimination. Examples of youth action -To engage school counselors, teachers and students in supporting young individuals facing situations of all form of discriminations. -To help initiate the establishment of a formal capacity within the city authority (ombudsperson, anti-discrimination unit etc.) to deal with complaints about all form of discriminations made by local residents. -To help initiate disciplinary measures within the routine functions of the city authority in regard to racist acts or behaviour by city employees.
Youth Commitment Nr. 3 – More Participation and Better Informed City Dwellers To ensure better information for city dwellers on their rights and obligations, on protection and legal options and on the penalties for racist acts or behaviour, by using participatory approach, notably through consultations wwith service users and service providers. Examples of youth action -To help initiate the writing, publishing and distribution of brochures and municipal bulletins giving relevant informantion on local residents’ rights, the obligations of a multiethnic and multicultural society and the city’s local authorities, as well as penalties for racist acts and behaviour. -To organise on a regular basis youth forums against racism in collaboration with schools, local authorities and youth NGOs in order to offer an opportunity to discuss the problems all form of discriminations in the city and in general. -To commemorate each year, on the 21st of March, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (as well as other international events relevant to the protection of human rights), with a range of initiatives to promote awareness and mobilisation amon city dwellers.
Youth Commitment Nr. 4 – Challenging Racism and Discrimination Through Education To strengthen measures against discrimination in access to, and enjoyment of, all forms of education; and to promote the provision of education in mutual tolerance and understanding, and intercultural dialogue. Examples of youth action -To initiate an anti-discrimination programme that will involve/include the teaching staff on the discussion of matters all form of discriminations. -To suggest the implementation of an ”Equal Treatment Plan” in all schools in the city/municipality. -To propose to the local authorities the creation of an ”Equality School” certificate to reward local schools for their anti-racist work and the ”Mayor’s Prize” awarded regularly to the best local school initiative against all form of discriminations. -To encourage the development of teaching material (textbooks, guides, audiovisual or multimedia documentation, kits) on mutual tolerance, respect of human dignity, peaceful coexistence and intercultural dialogue that can contribute to the enhancement of the ability of pupils, teachers and trainers to operate in a multiethnic, multicultural and intercultural environment and to deal with the pressures and oppurtunities of such diversity.