China’s One Child policy In 1979, after years of encouraging reproduction, the Chinese government invented a policy known today as the one-child policy. The policy has at times been praised as an effective tool for ensuring that China will be able to continue to support its large population and at times hated as a tool for human rights abuses and female infanticide.The policy was adopted to ensure that China, a country that has historically been prone to severe flooding and famine, would be able to feed its people. The rapid population growth that occurred after the Communist Party came to authority had put a strain on the government's efforts to help its people. So in an attempt to battle the widespread poverty and improve the overall quality of life, the one-child policy was slowly adopted.
The One-Child Policy noticeably reduced the number of births in China. Chinese families were usually large. The current rate of births is down to 1.8 children per woman. However, there are still many over-quota births especially in rural areas. Families that cannot afford the fines sometimes feel social and economic pressure to abandon the child. Rejection is a punishable crime, but most are overlooked and go unpunished. Many Chinese children end up in orphanage or are adopted either within China or by families overseas.
Actions by the government as part of the “one-child policy” Permission and a certificate needed for pregnancies Birth quotas per area are published as targets for each provincial governor Pregnancies without a certificate may be ended by abortion Compulsary birth control for all women with one child Compulsery sterilization of all couples with 2 children Fines night raids on houses where there is a 2 nd child No grains rations no schooling disadvantages at work where there is a 2 nd child No permission if someone else has an unauthorised birth Free contreception and birth control education A couple with a 2 nd child pay a fine + tax every year Couples with 1 child get a 10% wage bonus One child families get priority in education health and house
Chinas population is the highest in the world and they don’t need anymore people this is why they introduced the “one- child policy” and it seems to be working well so far.
This graph shows population increase in china since 1980 till It has doubled.