PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Home Based Rehabilitation An Inside – Outside Collaboration Irma Edqvist, Physiotherapist Merete Tonnesen, Anthropologist
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Municipality of Aarhus, Denmark Aarhus facts Population: Divided into 9 districts citizens received services from Home Based Care in receive home based rehabilitation on a daily basis
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Cease Everyday Life! Training and support in everyday life Doing for doing with Care prevention Late early intervention Longterm short, intensive intervention
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Interdisciplinary Team OT PT § visitator Nurse Home coaches Relatives
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Grete, 84 years old Prior to pacemaker: no help After: very weak, got a depression. Home based rehab. for two months: Grete’s able to look after herself again
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Crossing Borders 1 Each district = crossing borders between 2 units Health staff PT OT Nurse Home care Home helpers/ care givers Nurse aid Vis $§
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Crossing Borders 2 - levels of collaboration Citizens - professionals Primary care - secondary care Health care - social service Private - public
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING 624 citizen statements on significant daily activites Method: Using COPM: Canadian Occupational Performance Messure Semi structured interview ICF:Classified in the list of activity and participation Results: 3 most important domains emerge: Domestic life Mobility Self-care
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Top 10 significant activities : 1.Doing housework 2.Moving around in different locations 3.Washing oneself 4.Preparing meals 5.Dressing 6.Using transportation 7.Acquisition of goods and services 8.Changing and maintaining body position 9.Moving around using equipment 10.Caring for body parts
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Lesson learnt: COPM helps us crossing borders Focus on each individual citizen + creation of common goals through negotiation (Inside + outside perspectives) = Draws away attention on structural and organizational issues Creates more effective and faster courses
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING Contact information Irma Edqvist: Merete Tonnesen:
PROJEKT HVERDAGSREHABILITERING ”I am fond of everyday life. Most of all I am fond of everyday life” Dan Turell ( ) Danish poet and provocateur