CHAPTER 24 Sexual Feelings and Relationships Lesson 3 Marriage and Parenthood
Building Vocabulary divorce A legal end to a marriage contract LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home
Marriage Vows LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Marriage is a lifetime commitment to another person. It comes with major responsibilities for both partners. These include: caring for another person. respecting the other person’s needs and desires. acting in a trustworthy way. working at all times to make the relationship stronger.
Why Some People Marry LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home While being in love is a key ingredient in marriage, many people find that love is not enough. Scientists who study relationships say that one important factor is each partner’s emotional maturity. Emotionally mature people are generally able to deal with their emotional needs in healthy ways.
Divorce divorce A legal end to a marriage contract LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home New Vocabulary Marriages that do not work sometimes end in divorce. Children sometimes blame themselves as the cause of their parents’ divorce. This is never true. Divorce happens because adults are not able to resolve their differences.
Good Communication Helps LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Despite the complications resulting from divorce, many families go on to live more happily than before. One of the keys is communication. Some families are able to talk among themselves. Others benefit from talking with a professional counselor.
Teen Marriage LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Teens marry for many reasons. Pregnancy is the most common reason. Others include: social pressure wanting more freedom the desire to escape problems at home.
Married Teens Miss Out LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home A married teen must give up other interests and goals for the marriage. Often teens who marry drop out of school before graduating. Teens who marry because of an unplanned pregnancy face many stresses as a couple.
Parenthood LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Parenting requires a full-time commitment – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It pays no salary, but requires many skills. Both parents must become teacher, counselor, supervisor, nurse, and cook. They must also be positive role models.
Meeting Needs of Body and Soul LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Parents are responsible for their children’s physical care. Parents must also pay for their children’s clothing, medical care, and other In addition, parents must meet children’s emotional needs. Children need nurturing – love, attention, support, and encouragement.
Meeting Needs of Body and Soul LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Parents are a child’s first teachers. From them, children learn how to care of themselves. Parents also teach their children social skills, or ways to relate to and get along with others. Parents are also responsible for teaching children morals, or standards of right and wrong behavior.
The Strain of Teen Parenthood LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home A teen parent may have to attend school, do homework, and take care of a baby. Some teen parents also have jobs, leaving them little time for a social life. Having a baby puts a strain on relationships with other family members, especially parents. Most teens are not ready to be parents. Most lack the knowledge, skills, emotional maturity, and financial resources.
Safe Surrender Baby Law LESSON 3 Marriage and Parenthood BIG IDEA Teens face many challenges in marriage and parenthood. Lesson Home Safe Surrender, or Safe Haven laws makes it possible for a parent to leave an infant in a safe place without the risk of being charged with abandonment. A parent cannot be charged with a crime if the infant is left in a designated Safe Surrender site. These sites are typically hospitals and fire stations. Safe Surrender sites are identified by a logo showing an infant in caring hands.