I AM PRIDE Olweus CHARACTER Commitment Music by: Christina Aguilera “Fighter”
I AM the Force
School Rewards Verbal Praise vs. Verbal Reprimand Positive Parental call vs.Yikes, Parent Call Positive recognition vs. Community service PRIDE days vs. S.A.Cdays Quality incentives vs. Quality Intervention Positive peer Involvementvs.Solo time away from school Group counseling Parent-Student workshops Legal Intervention
Will and Won't Power
Getting another person to assault someone Spreading rumors Deliberate exclusion from a group or activity Cyber-bullying
You have two ears and one mouth…....get it
Alone we can do so little…………..TOGETHER WE CAN DO SO MUCH -Helen Keller
Teachers Administration Security School Lunch Monitors Parents Cafeteria Staff Custodian Nurse Counselors Cross Guards
Jorge Quiroz AM Chief U.S. Navy Retired