Financial Aid Wenatchee Valley CollegeOctober,2014 Cheryl Fritz, Associate Director Financial Aid Janice Fredson, Director Fiscal Services
Topics Database Overview FAEXP Database Duplicate Check Amounts DATAX SM9815R Reconciliation Questions 2
FMS – Application & Databases CA Customer Accounts database: Stores Charges, Sponsorships AP GL Accounts Payable database: Stores pending check data General Ledger database Stores all financial transactions. FMS = Financial Management System (full system contains many more databases) 3
FAS – Application & Databases FAM FAEXP FAM = Financial Aid Management System FAM database: Financial Aid Management System Stores FA Applicants/Recipients FAEXP database: Stores Financial Aid Expenditure data 4
FAEXP - Financial Aid Expenditures Database Expenditures are posted to FAEXP when: Cashiering screens are used to manually pay open charges online FG905R – “Auto Application of Financial Aid” (AutoApp) pays open charges SM9411J – “Update FAEXP w/FMS Transactions” job runs (scheduled after checks are printed) Refunds are made back to Financial Aid 5
When check calc creates a pending check, the expenditure is posted to FAEXP in batch – not immediately Several other jobs must run first SM9411J – Update FAEXP w/FMS Transactions job is the one that actually posts the expenditure Paid at Cashiers FAEXP GL Outstanding Tuition and other Charges Paid by Auto App When Auto-App or Cashiering pays open charges, the expenditure is automatically posted to FAEXP – Immediate 6
Outstanding Tuition Charges Paid by Auto App FAEXP GL When Auto-App or Cashiering pays open charges, the expenditure is automatically posted to FAEXP. Paid at Cashiers 7
FAEXP Calculating a Check AG906R Funds Remaining? No. Zero Check YES Prints Pending Check List and Check Release Form. When check calc creates a pending check, the expenditure is posted to FAEXP in batch – not immediately. Prints Rejected Check List. Performs these tasks… Prints these reports… AG906R: Performs SAFERS edits AG906R: Posts CC to SAFERS Tracking (Screen 5) AG906R: Creates a batch file to be picked up by FG036D 8
AP GL Run SM9411J to update FAEXP FAEXP Prints Checks Expenditures are posted to FAEXP when all batch processes complete! Close Batch! Run FG036D: To loads checks into AP FG036: Picks up the batch file created by AG906R and creates AP invoice Run Daily Accounting FG001D: BM3102J prints checks GA1911J creates FAEXP extract file FG001D: Puts all FA expenditures in batch file (payroll, GAT Checks) FG001D: Prints checks from AP database FG001D: Updates GL for all FA expenditures 9
Duplicate Check Amounts 10
Duplicate Checks/Amounts Things that staff need to know: Calcing a check and printing a check are two separate jobs Some colleges do not run both jobs every night. Staff must be aware of the turn-around time for checks to be posted to the FAEXP database Posting to FAEXP happens only after a check is printed and SM9411J has run Once a check has been calculated, another check should not be requested until AFTER the check has printed and the disbursement has been posted to FAEXP If a check is recalculated while it is still pending, the system does not know it has spent the money on the first check and will include that amount in the second check 11
Preventing Duplicate Check Amounts Before requesting a new check, financial aid staff can do one of the following to make sure that the previous check has posted to FAEXP: Run Datax SM9815R Review SM9411a – FAEXP Daily Transaction Log Report Once the previous check has posted, another check can be requested 12
Datax SM9815R 13
SM9815R – FAEXP Detail Report Report: SM9815R – Financial Aid Expenditure Detail (not year-to-date) Purpose & Description: Extract from the FAEXP Database a detailed record for all transactions for the last unpurged month for a specific quarter of expenditures. Process ID:DATAX Group:INFORM Account:PLIB Database Passwords Required: TBL1 and FAEXP Selection Criteria: SID Enter a specific student ID number to pull summary for an individual student or leave blank for all students. YRQ Year quarter for which you wish to pull records, for example, B452 FYRFiscal Year, for example, 1415 FAEXP-ENTR-DATELeave blank to select all. COLEnter college/campus code, for example, 01, 150, blank 14
Running SM9815R 15 Depending on how you log in, you will access Datax from one of these two menus
Reconciliation 20
Internal vs. External Reconciliation Internal Reconciliation Between financial aid system and FAEXP database Between business/bursar/comptroller office records and financial aid system, to ensure that Net Drawdowns (ND) = Net accepted and posted disbursements (NAPD) External Reconciliation Between school records and the DOE to ensure that internal school disbursement records (both business office and financial aid office) match exactly to disbursement records in FSA systems - COD and FISAP 21
Key Reconciliation Players: Pell/DL/TEACH Business Office Financial Aid Office G G 5 COD Reconcile Internally Reconcile with COD (Resource) 22
Key Reconciliation Players: Campus-Based Business Office Financial Aid Office G G 5 eCB (FISAP) Reconcile Internally Report/Reconcile Data on the FISAP Drawdown/Reconcile Funds in G5 Must be Equal 23
Reconciliation For the financial aid office, Pell reconciliation actually depends on two separate, but parallel, reconciliation processes FAM Award Tab comparison to FAEXP DOE Pell YTD file comparison to FAM Database SBCTC-IT provides several options to aid in the reconciliation process by comparing expenditure data in the FAEXP database to award data in the FAM database. 24
Reconciliation Tools SBCTC-IT provides several options to aid in the reconciliation process by comparing expenditure data in the FAEXP database to award data in the FAM database AG941A - Preliminary Award Disbursement Reconciliation Update SM9431J Report (output from AG941A) SM9421J - Quarterly Award Disbursements Report SM9420J - Annual Award Disbursements Report SM9425J – Financial Aid Expenditures Report Datax SM9815R *Note: Many schools do not run AG942A (Final Award Disbursement Reconciliation) as it updates awards and they prefer to resolve the discrepancy and fix as appropriate. 25
G5 (GAPS) COD shows some of the information that is in G5, but the screens are not the same DOE Recommends Read Only Access for FAAs 26
G5 Award Numbers G5 award numbers are program and award year specific Example for 2013/2014 award year ProgramG5 Award NumberAward Year Direct LoanP268K14####Trailing Year TEACH GrantP379T14####Trailing Year Pell GrantP063P13####Leading Year IASGP408A13####Leading Year Campus-BasedFWS: P033A13#### SEOG: P007A13#### Leading Year 27
Questions? Cheryl Fritz, Associate Director Financial Aid Janice Fredson, Director Fiscal Services 32