Albert Einstein Albert Einstein By Josh Perkins 2005
Einstein’s Life -was born in Ulm, Germany -began school career in Munich in 1886
Einstein’s Life continued -violin lessons age six to thirteen -religious education at home: Judaism
Einstein’s Life continued -renounced German citizenship granted Swiss citizenship 1901
Einstein’s Life continued -wished to be theoretical teacher of physics and math
Einstein’s Life continued -didn’t do much physical activity -favorite exercise: riding bicycles
The 1905 Papers -wrote three papers in papers now known as The 1905 Papers Plaque honoring Einstein for 1905 papers (German)
Photoelectric Effect (first 1905 paper) -photons (light particles) shined onto metal release electrons
Brownian Motion (second 1905 paper) -paper was an analysis of the motion of plant cells discovered by Robert Brown -Einstein’s analysis showed the first evidence of the existence of atoms Brownian Motion Simulation
Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (final 1905 paper) -Einstein came up with E=MC squared in this paper -E=MC squared means that energy is equal to mass times constant (speed of light) squared
General Theory of Relativity -General theory of relativity = if someone could reach a speed close to that of light, they could, essentially, travel through time -demonstrated on the event horizon of a black hole
Einstein Report - End Well, I hope you have learned a lot about Albert Einstein from my report.
About Me I love my Cockatiels. I have six. I like sharp objects.
Bibliography World Book Encyclopedia. Volume 5 - E. Page Google Image Search. Albert Einstein website. Albert Einstein website.