HL7 Health Level Seven (HL7) is a non-profit organization involved in the development of international healthcare informatics interoperability standards Framework for exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of electronic health information focuses on the clinical and administrative data domains Key goal is syntactic and semantic interoperability
Pillars of Semantic Interoperability A common Reference Information Model (RIM) spanning the entire clinical, administrative and financial healthcare universe A well-defined and tool-supported process for deriving data exchange specifications ("messages") from the RIM A formal and robust Data Type Specification upon which to ground the RIM A formal methodology for binding concept- based terminologies to RIM attributes.
HL7 Standards Conceptual Standards - HL7 RIM Messaging Standards – HL7 v3.0 Document Standards – HL7 CDA Application Standards – HL7 CCOW
HL7 RIM HL7 Reference Information Model Used in conceptual perspective Follows object oriented developmental methodology The fundamental model from which all v3 messages are derived is referred to as the Reference Information Model (RIM) The RIM is a generic, abstract model that expresses the information content of all the areas of healthcare Defines all the information from which the data content of HL7 messages are drawn
Core Concepts of RIM Every happening is an Act Procedures, observations, medications, supply, registration, etc. Acts are related through an ActRelationship composition, preconditions, revisions, support, etc. Participation defines the context for an Act author, performer, subject, location, etc. The participants are Roles patient, provider, practitioner, specimen, employee etc. Roles are played by Entities persons, organizations, material, places, devices, etc.
HL7 RIM Backbone Classes A physical thing, group of physical things or an organization capable of participating in Acts, while in a role. A record of something that is being done, has been done, can be done, or is intended or requested to be done. A competency of the Entity playing the Role as identified, defined, guaranteed, or acknowledged by the Entity that Scopes the Role. An association between an Act and a Role with an Entity playing that Role. Each Entity (in a Role) involved in an Act in a certain way is linked to the act by one Participation-instance. Entity RoleParticipationAct A connection between two roles expressing a dependency between those roles. A directed association between a source act and a target act. Role Link Act Relationship n n
HL7 Messages serves as a way for dissimilar applications and data architectures operating in a heterogeneous system environment to communicate with each other.
Components of HL7 Messages Segments A logical grouping of data fields Fields Characteristics Position, Max Length, Type of Data, Optionality, Repetition, ID number, Name Message Delimiters Escape sequences in text
HL7 Message Sets Control Patient Administration Order Entry Query Financial Management Observation Reporting Master File Medical Records/Information Management Scheduling Patient Referral Patient Care Laboratory Automation Application Management Personnel Management
HL7 Message Example
HL7 CDA HL7 Clinical Document Architecture XML based markup standard Encoding, structure and semantics of clinical documents for exchange Contains any type of clinical content Discharge Summary Imaging Report Pathology Report etc.
HL7 CCOW HL7 Clinical Context Object Workgroup Designed to enable disparate applications to synchronize in real-time Facilitates Context Management User Patient Clinical Encounter Also facilitates Single Sign On Used for both, client-server and web-based applications CCOW server - Vault