6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference FAFSA and Financial Aid Presented by: Natasha Leon Presented by: Natasha Leon
Incoming ISIRs Editing and Viewing ISIRs FA Worksheet SAP Report Upcoming Features Agenda
Purpose This session will be an overview of the Financial Aid process within Focus School Software to introduce users to this new process available for Post Secondary Institutions.
Incoming ISIRs Schools are able to link to their Student Aid Internet Gateway(SAIG) mailbox in order to access and import student ISIRS We have duplicated the ISIR format to be consistent with what Financial Aid Officers currently use
Incoming ISIRs From the Incoming ISIR screen click Import ISIRs Once ISIRs have been imported users are able to Approve or Deny ISIRs for each student Approve – Indicates a Financial Aid Officer has completed an initial review and accepted the current ISIR. This action moves the ISIR from the Process Incoming ISIR screen to the student’s file. Deny – Indicates a Financial Aid Officer reviewed the ISIR and determined corrections are needed. If an ISIR is imported for a student that is not in the database, Focus will create a student record in the Applicant School with basic demographic information: Name and Social Security Number
Editing and Viewing ISIRs The Edit ISIRs screen under the FAFSA menu directs users to FAA Access to CPS Online Here Financial Aid Officers can make updates to ISIRs and within normal processing time import the new ISIR into Focus The View ISIR screen allows users to search specific students, approved, denied or unprocessed ISIRs
FA Worksheet The Financial Aid Worksheet is a function to assist students budget their educational expenses The worksheet is completed by a Financial Aid Officer (FAO) Based on the student’s program, the worksheet will calculate tuition charges Additional information can be added, such as transfer or carryover hours, book/supply fees, room and board, transportation and dependent care Pell is populated based on the student’s EFC on their ISIR and the current DOE Pell Table Additional funding can be manually added, such as FSEOG, FAFTF or VA funding
FA Worksheet There are three main sections of the Financial Aid Worksheet 1.Student demographic information is automatically populated 2.The student’s educational information is manually entered by the Financial Aid Officer 3.Budget A. Information regarding the students academic year and remaining hours B. Tuition and fees are entered to calculate Cost of Attendance C. Additional funding is entered to determine if there is an unmet need
FA Worksheet 1. Term dates will populated based on marking period dates 2. Payment Period Hours is a dropdown to select the hours per term. 3. The Financial Aid officer will enter the expected pay date. 4. Date paid will be filled once payment is received. 5. Adjusted Gross Pay is the amount of Financial Aid is expected based on the Payment Period Hours. 6. Deducted Registration will populate once Pell funds have been applied to registration fees in the POS. 7. Deducted Bookstore is populated based on the amount entered in the POS. 8. The Net Check is the difference between the Adjusted Gross Pay and the fees. The FA Worksheet is based on the student’s ISIR and program
FA Worksheet 9. Hours earned are the hours the student has earned to date in the program 10. Difference is a calculated field of the hours earned minus the Payment Period Hours 11. SEOG Expected Pay is a manually entry 12. SEOG Pay Date is a defined dropdown of dates 13. SEOG Date Paid is entered by the Financial Officer once funds have been received 14. FSAG-CE is a dropdown with defined amounts 15. Grade will show gradebook grades 16. Probation is a manual entry field 21
SAP Report The Satisfactory Academic Progress Report Tracks Maximum Timeframe Program Hours Course Hours Percentage of program hours completed Courses completed and course info including gradebook grades
Upcoming Features Adding a Finalize button to the Financial Aid Worksheet This will initiate the file to be sent to COD to process student funding Fields on the FA Worksheet will be available to print award letters through Print Letters & Send s Also available within More Search options and Advanced Reports
Questions? Natasha Leon Project Coordinator, Focus School Software ph: (727) fax: (727)
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