♦National Delta Tau Alpha newsletter ♦ October 2004♦ Meet your Eastern Region Vice President Hey ya’ll, I hope everyone is well and getting back into the swing of school. I don’t know about you all, but I’m ready for another exciting year with Delta Tau Alpha. My name is Valaree Lund and I’m your Eastern Region Vice-President. I’m currently a student at NC State University pursuing a degree in Agriculture Business Management. I was born in the great state of Texas on October 2, My family and I moved to N.C. when I was a little girl. Being raised in the country, I learned the value and importance of Agriculture. Always being fascinated with fields full of food and pastures full of animals, I knew agriculture would have to be apart of my life forever. This past summer, I started working for USDA in the division of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services. I’m having a blast and learning a lot about how the government works. Upon completion of my B.S. degree I want to continue working for the United States Department of Agriculture or teach college level agriculture. Fun Facts about Me: My Favorite Color (s): BLUE and RED (I wonder if going to NC State has anything to do with it?) My All Time Favorite Song: Fishin’ in the Dark My All Time Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing Life Goal: To Travel the World I value: Family and Friends I am proud: To be living in the best country in the World: United Stated of America! My prayer for myself: To never lose sight of my goals. My prayer for you: To cherish each and every second of life. Just want to send out a personal thanks to everyone that was apart of the 2004 National DTA Convention. On the behalf of NC State and the Agricultural Institute DTA Chapter, we were honored and had an absolute blast getting to know each and everyone of you. Don’t forget; MAKE A MEMORY! ;)
“Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought.” Henri Bergson ( ) “… attempt the impossible in order to improve your work.” Betty Davis ( ) We are working on a Fall Fundraiser “Drive Thru Dinner.” Also starting a “Teacher of the Year Award.” We have updated the DTA Bulletin Board. Also sponsoring 2 Ag Fest. In addition, we inducted 16 new members We are participating in the “Bowl-a-thon” which helps raise money for United Way. Possibly getting Polo shirts with the Delta Tau Alpha on the front. We have had our Annual Highway Cleanup. Also participating in “Malloween.” We are also taking part in the “Phone-a-thon” that helps raise money for Ag Department Scholarships. We are mentoring students, started planning for the 2006 convention, and planning for the thanksgiving hayride and cookout we are putting on.
Check out the New To submit Form 40’s after every meeting so that you can be included in Chapter Chatters. Communicate with your Regional Vice President in preparation for the National Convention in April!!! Don’t FORGET to VOTE!!! NOV. 2 nd Don’t Forget I just wanted to thank everyone who is sending their Form 40’s. They are coming in great. Keep up the good work!!! Don’t forget to VOTE on NOV 2 nd. “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein ( ) “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” Anais Nin ( ) GETTING READY… Committees for National Convention activities. Brainstormed for activities for incoming guests to National Convention. Decided that we will probably use the university's farm/barn for National Convention Ag Games, dance, etc. …NATIONAL DTA CONVENTION!