What is creativity? A way of thinking and doing that brings about unexpected and original ideas.
The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of them. -Linus Pauling (2-time Nobel prize winner)
1 minute class assignment (take out paper and a pencil) List as many uses as you can for a paper cup.
Fluency Flexibility
Two minds "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." – Albert Einstein
How the Mind Works Creative thinking occurs when previously unrelated ideas are linked –Lateral thinking means making connections between different ideas –Humor –Art is felt (aesthetics) and that is the combination thoughts that evoke feelings
Creativity and Aesthetics Perhaps what differentiates highly creative ideas from ordinary ones is some combined sense of beauty, simplicity, and harmony. – Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach
Increasing Personal Creativity Ability to choose or balance attributes –Depth/breadth –Focused/relaxed –Smart/uncertain –Disciplined/playful –Realistic/imaginative –Introverted/extroverted –Humble/proud –Traditional/rebellious –Objective/passionate –Pain/pleasure
Types of Creativity Small c (Personal) creativity – new and useful only to or primarily to the individual creator. Big C (Recognized creativity) – valuable to a group as a whole. May transform society or group. Fox, Jon Michael and Ronni Lea Fox, Exploring the Nature of Creativity, Kendall/Hunt, 2000, p.14.
The creative individual is a person who regularly solves problems, fashions products, or defines new questions in a particular field in a way that is initially considered novel but that ultimately becomes accepted in a particular cultural setting. – Gardner, Howard, Creating Minds, Basic Books, 1993, p.35.
Creativity needs: Skill, Talent, Personality Are they in-born or learned?
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody else has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. — Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Making Unusual and Unexpected Mental Associations
Creativity doesn’t create something out of nothing but, rather, recombines ideas that already separately exist. — Arthur Koestler
Increasing Personal Creativity Ability to choose or balance attributes Practice making unusual and unexpected mental associations Acquire information in many areas
Travel Appreciation and study of the arts Appreciation of education General inquisitiveness – work hard and develop a passion for your studies, work, life
Be Confident Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. --Albert Einstein
Be prepared for criticism The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself; therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man. — George Bernard Shaw
Why aren’t we creative? Anxious to get the “right” answer Become less creative with age Willing to reject “bad” ideas Do not seek alternative ideas Doubt that a solution exists Stopped asking discovery questions –What if, why not… Developed habits Hard to suspend logic