Somerset Academy History fair
Where and when The Somerset Academy history fair will take place on April 19, 2015 in the gym. It will run from 6-8:30 pm.
Theme The theme of this years history fair is : Colonization to Contemporary, the figures that shaped America. The fair projects will be dealing with American historical figures from
The project itself Students will be in groups of three to four students. They will then select a historical figure from the time line given. The groups will then work on the following: This years history fair project will be broken into two parts. The first will be a tri-fold which will be displayed at the history fair on April 19. The second piece will be a short argumentative paper that explains: Why should this person be featured in an American History Text book.
What the Tri fold will look like Part 1 The three panels of the tri-fold will be broken up into three different subjects for each panel. These panels are described as the following…..
What the Tri fold will look like Part 2 the left panel The first and most left Panel will feature a biography of the figure. Make sure to include pictures
What the Tri fold will look like Part 3 The center panel The middle panel will feature a description of major events in America that occurred at the same time as the figures life. The center panel will also feature a timeline of these events and how they run parallel to the figures life. Make sure to include pictures.
What the Tri fold will look like part 4 The right panel The third or far right panel will feature information about the American culture that was going on during the person’s life. This includes: Economics cultural ideas, political ideas. Make sure you include pictures
The paper Each member of the group will work together to write a one page paper. Each member will have to explain and defend the question: Why should this figure be featured in an American History text book? The paper will be twelve point font, times new roman, double spaced
Bibliography Every paper should have bibliography of sources. To properly understand how to cite your sources there is a good example of this citation at the end of every entry. Example: "Albert Einstein." Bio. A&E Television Networks, Web. 04 Nov This is referred to as MLA style