郭 茂 坤 國立台灣大學 應用力學所 Tel: 3366-5630 mkkuo@ntu.edu.tw 芬蘭居家照護科技研究之簡介 郭 茂 坤 國立台灣大學 應用力學所 Tel: 3366-5630 mkkuo@ntu.edu.tw 謝謝江教授的介紹
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (芬蘭科技研究中心 ~2,600人) 電子與光電所 資訊與通訊所 資訊與通訊所 VTT 為芬蘭類似我們工研院的一個單位 其規模: 共有五個所 與我們的工研院 明年新的組織架構大約相當 無獨有偶的,VTT 明年一月初也將改組,改組後會呈現如何的面貌值得注意 機械與系統所 能源、材料與化工所 生技與醫藥所 大樓與交通所
Human interaction technologies Ubiquitous computing Wellness applications 在芬蘭主要由資訊所的人員主導,當然會有生醫所、及系統所…..等的人員合作 在他們的分類裡屬於『與人交互作用科技』的領域 『無所不在的計算』以及『健康』
Overview 老年人口比率急增 Aging at home 健康 醫藥進步 出生率 home vs. health center 衣食住行育樂(舒適、便利、安全) 智慧控制 (connect to family, control automation device) 各種輔具 健康 老年人、一般人
智慧化生活未來的應用情景 3G 互動式多功能手錶 語音指紋身分辨識 智慧型車輛系統 數位簡報系統 軟性電子產品應用 數位3D立體偵測 消防數位偵測面罩 行動虛擬研究室 老人照護與緊急醫療系統整合應用
Overview (cont.) sensors networking intelligence control network digital life network information network intelligence
Health Care & Wellness Management Aging population
Remote Management
Making It Happen -- Challenges (IST Vivago® WristCare) (Adequacy of Anaesthesia Monitoring) (Personal wellness management through Wellness Diary)
SENSORS example: WristCare
Intelligence Example: Adequacy of Anaesthesia Monitoring
Example: Personal wellness management through Wellness Diary 14
Pervasive Health Care @VTT potential 15
Related Research at IAM 16
Wireless Health Monitoring system wireless sensors local control device GSM,GPRS Internet emergency service doctors ECG CRP glucose respiratory system
The research is aimed at developing a miniature (eventually implantable) wireless system, which can monitor the state of health of a patient at home. The research is sponsored by the department of economic affairs from 2003 to 2008. The wireless health monitoring system is not only an end product but also a platform for developing related technologies.
Fully-Integrated Wireless Bio-sensor System - Complete package - Miniaturization - Bio-medical function - Built-in power - Wireless demonstration 3.4 cm x 3.4 cm x 1.5 cm CRP detection for heart disease 12 Volts batteries (x 2) ~ 2 meters
Other Related Research at VTT 20
PICNIC is …. European Commission funded (50%) R&D project Largest 5th FP Health Project - €3.6m over 3.25 years 13 partners in Phase 1, 8 partners +2 IPS in Phase 2 Start January 2000, complete March 2003 Develop a model for next generation of Regional Health Care Networks Requirements / Architecture / Common Components / Pilots
PICNIC is …. (cont.) Integration Levels Enterprise wide integration Inter-enterprise wide integration Inter-e + inter-regional integration Inter-e, inter-r + inter-national integration Level 1 (local) Level 2 (regional) Level 3 (national) Level 4 (European) PICNIC