JORGE SOLLA Hospital do Subúrbio first hospital built in Brazil under a public-private partnership (PPP)
Desricption of Project Three years of operation of the newest public hospital in Bahia - Brazil; First hospital built in Brazil under a public-private partnership (PPP); It has 313 hospital beds and tracks more than 60 patients in home care; All employees, including health professionals are employed by the private consortium that manages complete this hospital; The amounts are calculated consideration paid by 70% based on quantitative targets and 30% through performance indicators The concession period is 10 years, renewable for an equal period; The initial investment was about US$ 60 million, half relating to construction of facilities contributed by the State Government of Bahia and half for equipment provided by the private consortium bid winner; “Hospital do Subúrbio” was selected by KPMG among the top 10 investment projects in health worldwide and awarded by the World Bank among the top 10 PPP projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Challenges and cooperation opportunities Hospital do Subúrbio breaks paradigms by daring to adopt new ways of acting, through the implementation of a new management strategy and a radical change in mindset, work, and action; The use of PPP in Health undergoes limitations, including the borrowing capacity of the government and the existence of private partners with the required profile for the project; Because of the growing demand we already expanded beds and in 2014 we will build a new facility for emergency care to the neighboring hospital building; We are currently building a second hospital under a PPP - a infectious diseases Hospital. In this case we are including the construction of the building as a responsibility of the consortium contracted, plus all the hospital equipments. Unlike the first one, in this unit health professionals will be public servants under the state government. Thanks!