COUNTRY Quality and Completeness of the R-PIN Ownership by both the government and relevant stakeholders Consistency between national strategies & REDD Strategy Completeness of information & data provided Clear responsibility for execution of REDD CAR R-PIN is complete, but of medium low quality. Consultants played a major role in preparing R-PIN. Level of national consult. seems low Minimal info on REDD strategy proposed Poor in national- level data on defor./ degrad. Good information on forests under concession Not very clear, as the REDD strategy is not spelled out DRC R-PIN is complete, but of medium quality. Addendum to R-PIN was shared w/ FCPF and TAP later. High ownership. REDD discussions have started w/ Wood Hole study. Minimal info on REDD strategy Recent national study on forest cover change. Good data for forest concessions Not very clear, as the REDD strategy is not spelled out Gabon Complete and medium quality High level. Gabon has been active in the REDD discussions Strong linksData on deforestation and degradation for the national level not complete Well-defined responsibilities. Coordination will be a challenge. Ghana Complete, but medium to low quality, with thin coverage in some sections Intensive involvement by key Ministry, but other national agencies less involved. Strong links with natural resource management and forest governance work. Does not reflect all available information. Unclear how it is shared between Forest Commission and Climate Change DNA Africa – Sheet 1
COUNTRY Feasibility of proposal & likelihood of success Relevance of country in REDD context Variety of approachesGeographic and biome balance CAR Difficult to assess, as it not clear what REDD strategies country will undertake. Regional forest monitoring seems feasible Forests are an essential part of country’s economy. Country has significant forest carbon stock Regional approach to monitoring is innovative. REDD strategies not well developed Dense forests part of the Guineo-Congolian Forests within the globally important Congo Basin DRC Difficult to assess, as it not clear what REDD strategies country will undertake. Regional forest monitoring seems feasible Forests are an essential part of country’s economy. Highest forest stock in Africa, and third largest in the world. Regional approach to monitoring is innovative. Creation of large PAs envisaged, though not clearly spelled out in REDD strategy.. Globally important Congo Basin forests. Three biomes. Gabon Clear plan, but new institutions w/ little experience The country has substantial forest area and very high carbon stock. Proposes for REDD for a high forest country w/ low present deforestation. Establishment of REDD projects in def. hotspots. Globally important Congo Basin forests. Ghana Strong chance of success. Comprehensive legislation and strong forest administration. Potential test case for West African country that has stabilized its forest loss. Innovative log tracking system under development, to build on. Remaining Western Guineao-Congolian forest. Africa – Sheet 2
COUNTRY Quality and Completeness of the R-PIN Ownership by both the government and relevant stakeholders Consistency between national strategies & REDD Strategy Completeness of information & data provided Clear responsibility for execution of REDD Kenya Complete and medium to high quality Medium, limited participation from non-forest agencies Strong link (protection of water catchments, PES, community forestry, etc) Numerous site- specific studies, minimal nationally consolidated studies Need for a clear focal point for REDD. Liberia Complete and high quality High by the forest agency, R-PIN submitted by Finance Mininstry, but could be strenghthened with other stakeholders Consistent with the Liberia Forest Initiative Complete R-PIN, with good data on deforestation and degradation dynamics Clear division of responsibilities and proposed coordination mechanism Madagascar Complete and high quality High (REDD group meeting regularly) Strong link (with the country’s Madagascar Action Plan) Good national dataset for forest cover and change Other sectors should be involved in discussions, mainly agriculture Republic of Congo R-PIN is complete, but of medium to low quality Consultants played a major role in preparing R-PIN. Level of national consultation not clear Unclear what REDD strategies would be Good information on forests under concession, but other forest lands not as well described Not very clear, as the REDD strategy is not spelled out Africa – Sheet 3
COUNTRY Feasibility of proposal & likelihood of success Relevance of country in REDD context Variety of approachesGeographic and biome balance Kenya Clarify access to satellite images. Country has undertaken policy reforms (such as the 2005 Forest Act and the creation of the Kenya Forest Service). Low forest cover but important for water catchments and population livelihood. Innovative approaches, w/ activities outside forests, focus on critical watersheds and use of PES schemes. Governance issues should be given more attention. Mountaine forest and semi-arid dry forests important for biodiversity Liberia Feasible goals, but only with strong capacity building at the national level. Community forest law in preparation may help address land tenure Forests are highly relevant for national economy. Overall present forest emissions are not significant. Good variety of approaches (3 C’s strategy – community, commercial and conservation). Last remaining large patches of Upper Guinean rainforest, with endemism rate. Madagascar Questionable. Complex issues: land tenure, population growth and low agricultural productivity. Biodiversity concerns, but small forest coverage. High potential for restoring forests. Innovative approaches are proposed, such as benefit-sharing schemes with local communities. Endowment for PAs. Unique biomes, harboring high level of endemic species. Republic of Congo Difficult to assess, as it not clear what REDD strategies country will undertake. Regional forest monitoring seems feasible. Country has significant forest carbon stock. Sustainable forest management initiatives involving private sector Globally important Congo Basin forests. Africa – Sheet 4