Construction Committee Presentation November 15, 2007 LAREDO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Construction Bond Projects
John Peter Montalvo, District 3 Jesus J. Garza, District 7 Guillermina Montes, District 6 Jorge Luis Rodriguez, District 2 Jose A. Valdez, District 1 George M. Beckelhymer, District 4 Daniel Rigal, District 5 Administration Board of Trustees Dr. Veronica F. Guerra Dr. Oscar Cartas Edmundo Lopez President Vice President Secretary Parliamentarian Trustee Superintendent Executive Director of Plant Facilities& Support Services Construction Program Administrator LAREDO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT
The Partners, Principals, Associates, and staff of PBK inc., wish to express our sincere appreciation to the Laredo Independent School District for allowing our firm the opportunity to be involved in the many LISD projects. We also extend our utmost gratitude to the administrators, educators, staff, parents and students, who have attended the numerous meetings and provided important information during the programming phase of this project. Their input and guidance have been valuable. Acknowledgment ________________________ _ Joel E. Hernández, AIA, REFP Partner _________________________ Daniel I. Luttrell, RA, LEED® AP Project Architect ________________________ _ Carlos Alexander, AIA Associate ________________________ _ José S. Cedillo Project Manager
Shirley Field Martin High School Field House Transportation Facility Fine Arts Facility Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts Early College High TAMIU – $57 Million Bond Program Table of Contents
Existing Aerial Photograph Shirley Field These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Existing Facility Photographs Shirley Field These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
L. I. S. D. Options These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Shirley Field
Education Specifications These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Shirley Field Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Estimate of Probable Construction Cost These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Shirley Field Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Proposed Conceptual Site Plan These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Shirley Field Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Christen Middle School Martin High School Leyendecker Elementary School (under construction) Laredo Veteran’s Field Laredo Civic Center Shirley Field Garden St. Park St. Shea St. San Bernardo Ave. Santa Maria Ave. San Agustin Ave. Juarez Ave. Poggenpohl St. Gonzalez St. Bruni St. Salinas Ave. Flores Ave. Convent Ave. Potential Blocks for Additional Surface Parking Proposed Seating Capacity: 8,000* * Calculated capacity varies from actual capacity based on bleacher width, seat width and aisle width. Calculated approximate seating capacities based actual manufacturer data are as follows: Home Side: 23 Rows at 318 ft long 18 inch bench seating3,984 Accessible seating 52 Total Home Side4,036 Visitor Side: 20 Rows at 354 ft long 18 inch bench seating3,798 Accessible seating 58 Total Visitor Side3,856 Total Approx. Seating Capacity 7,892 Parking Requirements Per City of Laredo, 1 parking space for each 4 seats requiring a total of approximately 2,000 parking spaces. Additional parking required beyond what is provided on site is approximately 600. The 4 city blocks between Juarez Ave. and San Agustin Ave. and between Garden St. and Constantinople St. are shaded to represent potential parking areas to satisfy the required additional parking.
PBK Recent Similar Projects These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Shirley Field Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Judson Independent School District – 10,000 seats, 3 story press box, player dressing buildings, concession buildings, restroom buildings. Currently receiving proposals for Construction Manager. Construction scheduled to begin November 19. Existing Condition
PBK Recent Similar Projects PBK Recent Similar Projects These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Shirley Field Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Northside Independent School District – retained existing concrete bleachers, added 2 story press box, player dressing buildings, concession buildings and restroom buildings. Construction completed in Prior Existing Condition
Existing Facility Photographs These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Martin High School Field House Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
L. I. S. D. Options These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Martin High School Field House
Education Specifications These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Martin High School Field House Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Estimate of Probable Construction Cost These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Martin High School Field House Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC SCHEM. DESIGN DESIGN DEVELOP CONST DOCS BIDDING CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN MOVE IN Construction Schedule Shirley Field/Field House Scheduled Completion Spring 2009 Schematic Design – Rough sketches that develop a feasible conceptual design of the project through creating and evaluating a series of general schemes that take into account the program and budget. Design Development – Refining the design concept so as to define and resolve all important aspects of the project. Finalize design decisions, building materials, and resolve coordination issues by the end of this phase. Construction Documents – Communicating the design intent through further refinement of the written and graphic representation of all building materials and components in a format useful to contractors. Construction Administration – Assisting the owner in getting the project built according to plans and specifications through general administration of the construction contract, including reviewing and certifying the amounts due the contractor, approving contractor submittals, preparing change orders and conducting site observations to determine dates of substantial and final completion. Programming – Deciding what to build by defining design objectives, constraints, and criteria for a project. This includes space requirements and relationships, special equipment and systems, and site requirements.
Existing Facility Photographs These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Transportation Facility Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Education Specifications These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Transportation Facility Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Transportation Facility Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Estimate of Probable Construction Cost
Diagrammatic Conceptual Site Plan These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 FUELING STATION BUS PARKING Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Transportation Facility 26 BUSES EMPLOYEE PARKING (200 VEHICLES) APPROX. 10 ACRES APPROX. 7 ACRES ADMIN. SERVICE 26 BUSES FILTRATION BASIN
JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC SCHEM. DESIGN DESIGN DEVELOP DESIGN DEVELOP CONST DOCS BIDDING CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN MOVE IN Construction Schedule Transportation Facility Scheduled Completion Summer 2009 Schematic Design – Rough sketches that develop a feasible conceptual design of the project through creating and evaluating a series of general schemes that take into account the program and budget. Design Development – Refining the design concept so as to define and resolve all important aspects of the project. Finalize design decisions, building materials, and resolve coordination issues by the end of this phase. Construction Documents – Communicating the design intent through further refinement of the written and graphic representation of all building materials and components in a format useful to contractors. Construction Administration – Assisting the owner in getting the project built according to plans and specifications through general administration of the construction contract, including reviewing and certifying the amounts due the contractor, approving contractor submittals, preparing change orders and conducting site observations to determine dates of substantial and final completion. Programming – Deciding what to build by defining design objectives, constraints, and criteria for a project. This includes space requirements and relationships, special equipment and systems, and site requirements.
Education Specifications These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Fine Arts Facility
Estimate of Probable Construction Cost These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Fine Arts Facility
JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC SCHEM. DESIGN SCHEM. DESIGN DEVELOP DESIGN DEVELOP CONST DOCS BIDDING CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN IN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN MOVE IN Construction Schedule Fine Arts Scheduled Completion Fall 2009 Schematic Design – Rough sketches that develop a feasible conceptual design of the project through creating and evaluating a series of general schemes that take into account the program and budget. Design Development – Refining the design concept so as to define and resolve all important aspects of the project. Finalize design decisions, building materials, and resolve coordination issues by the end of this phase. Construction Documents – Communicating the design intent through further refinement of the written and graphic representation of all building materials and components in a format useful to contractors. Construction Administration – Assisting the owner in getting the project built according to plans and specifications through general administration of the construction contract, including reviewing and certifying the amounts due the contractor, approving contractor submittals, preparing change orders and conducting site observations to determine dates of substantial and final completion. Programming – Deciding what to build by defining design objectives, constraints, and criteria for a project. This includes space requirements and relationships, special equipment and systems, and site requirements.
Existing Facility Photographs These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Education Specifications These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts
Estimate of Probable Construction Cost These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts
Proposed Site These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Early College High TAMIU Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007
Existing Facility Photographs These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Early College High TAMIU
Education Specifications These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Early College High TAMIU LAREDO LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 24 ARTICLE V SECTION V-10 (5) SCHOOLS (PUBLIC, PAROCHIAL, OR PROVATE) Four spaces for each classroom and one for each teacher and employee
Estimate of Probable Construction Cost These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Early College High TAMIU
Diagrammatic Conceptual Site Layout Based on PBK Similar Project These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Early College High TAMIU Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Classroom Building Administrative/ Support Building 200 Parking Spaces Fire Lane Courtyard/ Building Entry Fire Lane Bus Loop/ Student Drop-off
PBK Recent Similar Projects These documents are incomplete and for interim review only. They are not to be used for regulatory approval, permit, or construction. Joel E. Hernandez #17432 Construction Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 Early College High TAMIU Judson Independent School District – currently beginning Construction Documents, 54,000 SF Early College High TAMIU on the Northeast Lakeview College campus of the Alamo Community College District. The project includes academic classrooms and labs, administrative and supplementary areas.
JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC SCHEM. DESIGN SCHEM. DESIGN DEVELOP DESIGN DEVELOP CONST DOCS BIDDING CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN IN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN CONST ADMIN MOVE IN Construction Schedule Early College High School Scheduled Completion Fall 2009 Schematic Design – Rough sketches that develop a feasible conceptual design of the project through creating and evaluating a series of general schemes that take into account the program and budget. Design Development – Refining the design concept so as to define and resolve all important aspects of the project. Finalize design decisions, building materials, and resolve coordination issues by the end of this phase. Construction Documents – Communicating the design intent through further refinement of the written and graphic representation of all building materials and components in a format useful to contractors. Construction Administration – Assisting the owner in getting the project built according to plans and specifications through general administration of the construction contract, including reviewing and certifying the amounts due the contractor, approving contractor submittals, preparing change orders and conducting site observations to determine dates of substantial and final completion. Programming – Deciding what to build by defining design objectives, constraints, and criteria for a project. This includes space requirements and relationships, special equipment and systems, and site requirements.
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