GET YOUTH INTO SOARING! Dillon & Friends Sylvia at 19K Tim & Joe WJGC practice Penn State Pvt. Fleet
SSA Partner Groups Civil Air Patrol Learning For Life EAA Homebuilders USAFA, BSA, NCAE, Tuskegee…
SSA Direct Programs US TEAM Junior WGC Robertson Trust US TEAM Junior Camps Robertson Trust, JR Development. YCOM Contest Grants Eagle Program Century Badges Kolstad Trust fund Junior Records SSA General fund
SSA YCOM Scholarships 1.Cadet 2.Bultman 3.Kolstad … Independent 501(C)3 Trusts
SSA Affiliate-Division Collegiate Women World Class 1-26, Homebuilt, Vintage… maybe soon US JR SA
SSA Chapter-COBM Grants Michael Wallace MH Youth Gliding Assoc. … see DIRECTORY building at
… Other Great Ideas Summer CAMPS Sugarbush, HdLSJ… Line Crew JOBS Sky Sailing… Junior ORGANIZATION Harris Hill… CADETs, MENTORs MITSA, BGA… … see DIRECTORY building at
Why do it? We need Young People Legacy, Recruitment, Cheap Labor, Fit Labor, Markets Young People Need us Education, Maturation, Socialization, Recreation, Industry How do it? To have Youth, you must have a PROGRAM Peer association, recruitment, sense of identity... Share ideas, literature at College/Youth Booth #46, next to M&H Soaring, on concession side