It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. - Albert Einstein
Perserverance I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
1.Use simple formulae within a spreadsheet. 2.Use basic functions within a spreadsheet. Lesson Objectives
Spreadsheet Formulae You need to be able to use these within a spreadsheet. We did this in Year 7 so it should be easy! Use mathematical operations, for example: add, subtract, multiply, divide, indices + - / *
Basic Formulae Always start your formula with an equals sign = To add, subtract, multiply or divide you must use cell references E.g. =A1 + A2, =C2 – D3, =F5*F6
Do some *-/+ work! 1.Complete the worksheet you have been given by writing in the formulae you need to use. 2.Open Task 1.xls from the shared area. (Handout > KS4 > iGCSE > Practical Skills > Year 10 and 11 > 14 Spreadsheets > Lesson 1-3 > Task 1 Add the relevant formulae.
Spreadsheets Putting the FUN back in spreadsheets since 1907! How many can you name? =SUM =AVERAGE =MAX =MIN =IF =LOOKUP =COUNTIF =SUMIF
Tasks You will now be guided through a number of functions by video tutorials. The videos will ask you to add functions to a spreadsheet and make written notes. The videos are located in –Dept Share > ICT > Handout > KS4 > iGCSE > Year 10 and 11 > Practical Skills > 14 – Spreadsheets > Lesson 1 - Formulae and Functions > Task 2 Videos
=LOOKUP Some functions use more than one piece of data. They are separated with comas. =LOOKUP(E6,Tutors.csv!$A$3:$B$12) Where is the data you want to lookup? Where is the table that contains the results?
=MAX =MAX(I6:M6) =MIN(I6:M6) Which range of cells do you want to compare?
=SUMIF =SUMIF(I6:M6,"<>ABS") Which range of cells do you want to compare/use for the sum? What criteria must be met for it to be included?
Operators > < >= <= = <> Greater than Less than Greater than or Equal to Less than or Equal to Equal to Not Equal to
=COUNTIF =COUNTIF(I6:M6,“=ABS") Which range of cells do you want to compare/use for the sum? What criteria must be met for it to be included?
ROUND and AVERAGE =ROUND(A1,0) =AVERAGE(I6:M6) Which cell do you want to round? To how many decimal places? Which range of cells should be averaged? However…you can use 2 or more formulae in the same cell. This is called a nested formula.
Nested Formulae =ROUND( = A1,0) AVERAGE(I6:M6)
=IF( =IF(P6>=$B$3,"Yes","No") What test do you want to do? What do you want to check? What is entered if the test is true? What is entered if the test is false?
Plenary What do the following functions do? =SUM =AVERAGE =MAX =MIN =IF =LOOKUP =COUNTIF =SUMIF